
You’re a sly one, Vago.

You getting it now? Don’t let your snobbery towards the concept of social media make you look like a fool any further.


I don’t know if you’re new to this website or what, but “balanced perspective” and “Hamilton Nolan” are what we like to call mutually exclusive.

Wait, so you say it’s impossible to make, which means Musk won’t make the milestones, which means he won’t get the pay, which means the company will have more money to give to shareholders.

An alternate perspective in the interest of sanity:

Will the Wonder Twins be making an appearance as well?

Gillian Anderson may be getting older now, but she can still play a damn great David Bowie.

This is a really good point. I have only seen the first two episodes but if I was watching this program with no context I would completely support the Rajneesh. However, as someone who spent time as a young child growing up in a Rajneesh ashram let me tell you it was no shangri-la and these people were scary in so

The most striking thing to me is that his followers are now running the original commune in India as almost a resort retreat and capitalizing on all of it. The whole “you don’t have to be poor” thing reminded me a lot of the megachurchs/seed faith/Joel Osteens of the world (to say nothing about Scientology)

It definitely doesn’t “take the side” of the cult or paint it in a flattering light. But it does let still living figures like Sheela (living in Switzerland) and Prem Niren express their views of the events, the cult leader, and their own roles. There’s value in seeing how monstrous people, surprise surprise, don’t

When this ad came out, I wanted to kick boomers in the balls

So, the episode confirms what we’ve always believed:

The bitter fights between the people who believe they’ve been betrayed and the ones valiantly trying to rally the troops in the face of all reality are just the best.

I had a dream about Halt and Catch Fire last night, and here seems as good a place as any to write about it. In it, I was viewing what basically equaled an alternate finale in which Cameron ends up in a job with NASA (maybe from Davis’ role in The Martian?), and we see her struggle to finish a project (she had to

I rewatched it all a few weeks ago, and I don’t think season 1 is as bad as it’s rep.

It’s criminal that there isn’t a bigger audience for this show. It deserves all the Emmys but you just know it will be a distant memory by this time next year. I’m to raw to rehash what I just saw so I’ll just focus on the detail that Haley’s bedroom wall had the poster for one of the great nerd opuses of all time,

I’m not crying, you’re crying!

Why would he plead guilty to assault?

I just finished the first season, and I'm genuinely intrigued how the reviewer's opinion can go from this to (nearly) straight A grades in season 3.