
I just finished binge-watching this show. Took me about 10 days. I got very invested in it. Having an ending is the best—I can’t stand shows that go on and on. Gordon’s “walking into the light” death was basically the end of things. Everything else was aftermath.

I didn’t know this is where the show was going to go

I just finished binge-watching this show. Took me about 10 days. I got very invested in it. Having an ending is the best—I can’t stand shows that go on and on. Gordon’s “walking into the light” death was basically the end of things. Everything else was aftermath. 

I didn’t know this is where the show was going to go

That’s beautiful.

I just started watching this show. Binge-watched Season 1 and found it much better than either Dennis or the commenters opine. Am digging into Season 2 and yes the Fake Don Draper thing is bad, but Real Don Draper was ridiculous too. But I am still puzzled by all the antipathy for this show. I know it’s supposed to

I like the melancholy piano at the top. Sort of the new BRAAAAAAAPPPP.

I can only imagine, but I have seen HR be “less than responsive” shall we say, when faced with something they consider bad for a company’s image. Very often I think the HR department exists solely for CYA purposes. It all depends on a company’s culture. Google’s sounds toxic to techie women.

And then she did file, and was ignored. Or is the article mistaken?

He spends every weekend at Mar-a-Lago. Security can’t be as tight there.

Wolff overextended himself by claiming certainty about Trump getting some on the side, but it’s not out of the range of possibility. I think most people realize that.


Brooks is habitually a moron but gun-control advocates do need to reach out to gun-rights moderates and bring them on board. That’s the only way we can ever get the numbers we need to change the laws.

Not only that, but if Kelly continues to cross Jarvanka, he’s gonna get tossed out on his ear. Family always wins within TrumpCo.

It’s not 100% true to the source material in that there are plotlines that never existed in the book: at least one character has a deep relationship with Kovacs that wasn’t part of the book, and part of his backstory has changed too.

The thing about Elizabeth is that she was never glamorous, charismatic or controversial. The fact that a show can hang on her at all is impressive. I’m enjoying it but I’m not entirely sure why. Perhaps it’s the mix of likeability and unlikeability in all the main characters, and well, just some nice History Porn.  

I see. Funny how memory can play tricks on one.

I sort of love that people are still arguing about whether Deckard is or is not a replicant. This must be the longest running thread in SF fandom, (unless alt.tv.buffy-v-slayer is still debating “Tara’s lesbian spell on Willow”)

Dreams are not the same as memories. Dreams are not fully dependent on memories. Nothing anywhere in the movie suggests Tyrell Corp knows how to implant dreams.

I hadn’t heard of the Crocodile’s Dilemma before but I think that’s got to be it. “Crocodile tears” are a reference to hypocrisy. Mia wasn’t a hypocrite, just forced into doing worse and worse things by her need to protect herself.