
I question some of the assumptions people are making: 1. Am pretty sure Walton is actually dead in the game (or he would have shown up for the happy reunion), and 2, I think the deletion of his rogue universe left Daly brain dead — or maybe trapped in a nightmare of Nothingness—but probably not actually dead (the

For pete’s sake. There’ll always be new music. Even new “rock”. But the underlying cultural perspective that originally informed indie and alternative music is gone. The underground has evaporated or is so fragmented as to be composed entirely of isolated psychotics. We’re living in the 50's again, and success is

Darlene’s friend wasn’t a complete stranger, she was apparently someone she knew from Parsons School of Design. Which made her being a hooker now pretty damn illustrative of what 5/9 has done to people (of that continuum at least).

This may already be in the comments, but “shutdown -r” is the Windows command for rebooting a box.

I was less impressed with this episode than I wanted to be. Having seen the spoiler for this episode in the first sentence of Alex’ review I was never in doubt as to the fate of Trenton and Mobley. What I was hoping for though was a little more character from them before they exited. But I didn’t get that, just some

I’m kind of hoping for a version of Roko’s Basilisk, where whatever crazy multiverse-hopping situation Whiterose is cooking up has a set of requirements that must exist in the “past” before the Time/Space Axis can be realized.

Worked for me. I hate to see the world of this show diverge too much from ours.

I can’t edit my post to correct or delete: I was thinking of “Savior” with the weird intro, not “Pills”. #thankskinja

Disagree. New York &Los Ageless have monster hooks that stick in your head, and Happy Birthday Johnny really gets to me. So I’d tag those.

Yeah it definitely looks like WhiteRose’s plans involve a LHC and parallel universes. Possibly human brains (cough*Elliot*cough) as multiverse-spanning quantum devices while we’re at it.

I’m thinking maybe just this third one would be plenty. Four’s gonna be stretching it as the show’s timeline inevitably diverts from our own and its relevance (and hence its spookiness) diminishes.

And yeah, we’ve been Kinja’ed and the comments section ain’t never gonna be like it used to be.

The way Diane covered Dale’s eyes reminded me of Naido’s eyelessness.

The bodhisattva voluntarily gets back on the wheel of karma. What’s usually not advertised in the brochures is this means his story never resolves, and will include endless ugly doses of human drama.

I’m thinking Freudian slip, since he is a heel...

I hope you can import the Disqus comments for this, I’m sure they’re great!

They made it look like Arya had reverted entirely to her S1 sibling-jealous self, which I hated, since that makes it seem like she learned nothing more in 6 seasons than how to handle Needle properly. So I never quite bought into that.

s'all good, man

s'all good, man

Thank you!