
Leon ain't there.

You know how this show is full of homages to famous movies? That stuff, esp when Gideon was there, gave off a Sixth Sense vibe. Not that I'm thinking she's a ghost — except maybe to Elliot. He could be hallucinating her. Hell, he could have killed her and it's the guilt that's driven him around the bend, a la psycho,

Tyrell's too good a bad guy to kill. And it's too obvious at this point. For all we know, Elliot pulled the gun out of the popcorn machine and gave it to Tyrell.

I'm not quite sure how we were supposed to get word to him about Mr R. Hardly fair of Elliot to blame us for that, even if we got to enjoy the dramatic irony and he didn't :)

Bettin' on the bull in the heather…

Who is really real on this show? Elliot? Tyrell? Mr. Robot himself is way more frightening than Tyler Durden ever was, and closer to the terrible reality of actual mental illness.

As affirmations go, sleeping with the random stranger was just saddening. As is Angela's new makeup look ("mask") and the whole I Am Powerful self-hypnosis video.

Elliot doesn't trust us because we aren't telling him things? Uh, getting word to him might prove problematic…

There's no reason to think Daenerys will live through the end of the show. Before it's all over Jon could be the last man standing AND the rightful heir to the Iron Throne by Targaryen logic.

I like the way you think but no. Ned would never have been poring over the books to find all the black-haired Baratheon children if he was — he'd already know about Gendry.

Littlefinger is there for the sudden yet inevitable betrayal.

And I can't imagine he's forgotten that.

I'd never call Cersei sane but I couldn't wait for the High Sparrow to get his. Quite satisfying how they went out of their way to CGI him getting all explody!

Didja notice how one of the orreries in the Great Library establishing shot is the one used in the title sequence?

Man, me too. I was hoping it was more like "Sorry bub, you're not going to get what you want." What I can't figure out is what Sansa actually wants?

This was no Battle of Agincourt, and screaming "Argh!" is not the St Crispin's Day speech. If Sansa and the writers hadn't been all sneaky Jon Snow would be Ramsey's prisoner, and well, that just would not go well…

Of course Ramsey was right though: he is with her now always. Did you see that little smile on her face as she was walking away?

Jon Snow is a terrible commander.

If the movie had taken place in New York all the look-at-it-now pictures would show glass-sided luxury condos.

Sansa thinks she's all smart and such now but there are no guarantees that Littlefinger was telling the truth about Riverrun and plenty of reasons to believe he is not.