
After the S2 trailer dropped, I re-watched the first two episodes last night. Things are MUCH creepier when you know already how the season ends. I am hoping for more of that same feeling by the time S2 is over. And am very much hoping it stays good enough that S3 will be a thing and Esmail can finish this story.

I just rewatched this ep, and I have to disagree that you need to have been a BB fan to dig it — you just have to be a Mike Ehrmantraut fan. Maybe in the 5th episode of the show you aren't yet, but going back to this after finishing season 2, you bet I am.

I love this movie, just watched it again for maybe the 6th time. The 40's setting gives it a retro-future vibe that none of the other MCU movies can touch. It's got heart, and Cap has a moral center that makes me root for him all through the sequels and sort-of-sequels.

Between Snyder and Nolan DC chose to suck all the fun out of their most iconic characters.

Definite bonus points for that!

Ah jeez, the review never even touched on that. Oh the power chords!

In Dune's palace intrigues I don't see Game of Thrones; I see Dangerous Liasons (e.g.). YMMV.

Sounds 17th-19th Century European or any number of Asian dynasties to me. "Medieval" connotes a primitivism that has nothing to do with the cultures in the book.

You would however need a lot more boobs than appear in the source material, given the HBO-ization of our pop epics…

He does indeed.

The first two sequels are necessary to understanding the corrupting influence of Paul's ascendence. God-Emperor of Dune is very talky, it's Herbert being a garrulous old man. Everything after that is tripe.

You must not have read them that closely. Its future does not remotely resemble the middle ages, and the heroes and the villains are related by blood.Just for starters.

You could easily make an entire season of a show (possibly more than one season) from just the first book. I'm surprised that's not on someone's radar already

The sins of story you cite are certainly true, and but the LOOK of the film is definitely an issue. Because it's true to Lynch's vision it automatically looks quirky rather than slick, and therefore less appealing to the masses.

Well she might not be that committed to medicine. She did after all hold up an operation so she could talk on the phone.

It did have the logo, no the kid wasn't grown up. That would have been cool.

On the other hand, the CGI is so much better now, and cheaper too that 1013 could possibly push the story ahead with those kind of big visuals. I want to believe, I do I do.

Just saw Ep 1 and I'm kind of disappointed. Scully looks tired, and also like she belongs in a far more glamorous show. Mulder just looks like 20 miles of bad road. One of the things that disappointed me — and maybe it's too early for me to be griping — is that there doesn't seem like they actually lived enough life

I enjoyed all the cheese up until Maximus gets the better of Commodus and kills him. My suspension of disbelief lay shattered on the ground—nobody in the army/government would ever let that happen, even if they knew the Emperor to be a villain and a knave.

All very interesting. My knowledge of the Bard is so minimal… What I took from these events in the film was that Hal-the-boy had been replaced by Henry-the-King.