Jackson Roykirk

We also got Batroc the Leaper!

This is the best scene from the best MCU drama. Guardians wins the comedy category, but Winter Soldier is by far the best drama.

Let’s be fair and go back to the original shows, they all had their stinkers with Voyager going “Hold my beer ...” on that subject.

You’re a conspiracy theorist.

Yeah, basically, the conversation was “You’re a doodoo head!” and then Stephens responded with “You shouldn’t call people doo doo heads!” and then “Here are a compelling facts that prove you are a doo doo head!

That last email is the one you should have sent first, and it’s a shame you had to let Bret Fucking Stephens hand you your ass before you realized that.

But now they’re just victims of Big Leech.

Don’t mention the fact that Asians weren’t historically subjected to slavery, Jim Crow, and anti-black violence.

I don’t want to be “that guy”, but I’m going to be...both of those fighters were so clearly and visibly roided out that the UFC should be ashamed that their “testing’ didn’t catch it....yet.

What is the best way for law enforcement to handle this kind of thing? My question is sincere and is in no way meant to absolve the campus police or SLCPD.

But it worked in Brockway, Ogdenville, and North Haverbrook!

Surprised he didn’t just send one bomb to each side and call it a draw.

One, Poochie Spock needs to be louder, angrier, and have access to a time machine. Two, whenever Poochie’s Spock’s not on screen, all the other characters should be asking “Where’s Poochie Spock”? Three—

So....body shaming is ok if it’s a man with very public addiction issues seemingly trying to get healthy??

These guys may be the only team defeated by the Magic all year. 

All those pre-paid annual memberships bought at Costco will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.

This won’t sit well with the fans.


Sorry, but after a very disappointing second half of the first season, and the god-awful second season, I’m not wasting any more time on Korra. Don’t really care how good it gets after that. Korra didn’t hold a candle to the Last Airbender.