A Stray Pube

I’m just here to play kinja...

Einie meanie miney moe is also an effective strategy that as been used for thousands of years

So you can get your money back from watching a poor performance in the NBA but when I finish in 30 secs with a hooker I’m out of line for wanting some reimbursement.

Yoenis calls this means of transportation the ‘Sarah Jessica Parker’.

Allright I’ll chill. I like everyone here. Just not a fan of Joey. I won’t bother him anymore.

No hard feelings. My humor isn’t for everyone

If you look closely you can tell that he used a trampoline to jump that high.. Not impressed.

“The time must be tooth hurty in Sacramento”-Some lame dad

I don’t see the big problem. How many people do you know get to die on the field they love; nonetheless go out with a bang!

Her face says, “Really Kevin? This is the 10th time today, it’s getting old”

The glass ceiling for a stray pube is real

Who would have thought that there’d be a good soul in an Andy Dalton story?

Senior Citizen lives matter

Another swing and a miss from Joey

Karma’s a bitch and with time Talib will get his

I know karate