So these white plumbers and mill workers aren’t raacist either? They don’t blame minorities for their misfortunes like 90% of white blue collar workers whos lives didn’t quite end up working out for them.
So these white plumbers and mill workers aren’t raacist either? They don’t blame minorities for their misfortunes like 90% of white blue collar workers whos lives didn’t quite end up working out for them.
Obviously people who know a hell of a lot more about baseball than you do thought he would hit well, that’s why he’s in the game idiot.
I’m imagining it could be made to happen on short notice, unless there’s some MLB rule about time frames.
I’ve never had my car test driven after an alignment and never had a problem and no one gives a fuck about your certification for loosening and tightening bolts.
Is some one mad they can’t afford 1 months payment on a Lambo you bitter scrub.
Sounds fine to me when it’s an alignment douche
Thats not what you said at all.
He has no right to be angry some one took 45k out of his pocket? That’s rich because your likely a poor blue collar scrub who would bitch for a week if you lost 100 bucks. Try not being so poor and jealous next time. White trash
Ok let me cost you 45k and see how well you take it on the chin. Just because he’s not a poor bitter scrub like you doesn’t mean he can throw away 45k. Get back to working for the man for minimum wage scrub.
Haha you bitter piece of trash
But once you can afford a new Lambo your time is worth more than 60/hr
He didn’t floor it enough. if he did he would have just sat there spinning the tires
So you’ve never played sports in your life either couch potatoe.
Seriously, I believe this same writer used the term in a previous article and everyone made fun of him because no one uses it in this context. He’s just being obstinate about it now. He’s trying to say both teams have the option of being eliminated. He’s an idiot though as in this game only one person gets eliminated…
Pizeo electics would be good for actuating a dick hair back and forth a thousandth of an inch not a huge valve.
Yes NFL don’t suspend these trash dirty players keep them in so they injure your star offensive players and make the game even more unwatchable. Dumb fucks
Right on I have a ten spot
God damn that looks good
They still put the minutes on the “bill”
He was within his rights yes but he says “ I am glad I didn’t have my gun, I would have killed him and would have had to live with that.” It’s laughable all this tough guy white trash who have these guns think they’re Rambo with the the things , unless your going into a situation with a gun drawn cocked safety off the…