
@appletoad: iphone and every other phone out there. I've used this trick before.

@vinod1978: Apple isn't the only one, and far from the first. Technically, Apple is just following what other's have already done. Video chat is not new. It's actually several years old.

@Dr. Evil Genius: When Skeletons Live: There's not money to be made from software emulation of old games. There's a few you can download, but that's not where the big money is. Big money is on games like MW2 with expansion packs. I wouldn't be surprised if soon you'll have to pay monthly dues for games a la WOW.

@dallasmay: Well I was on myspace for the brief period before Facebook was big.

@Dr. Evil Genius: When Skeletons Live: You mean I shouldn't have to buy a VCR if I want to play VHS tapes even though I have a DVD player? CD/DVD/Blu Ray all have different tech, that costs money. People want to complain that PS3 costs too much, then complain when they lose features. You can never win with you

@AWood1982: Well my Nexus came out in January, and I still consider it a top phone. Anyone else have 2.2? All these phones are awesome, no matter which one you have. The original Droid is still a killer phone.

@JakeMertz: Well no lie, Apple is still king. Counterproductive? I don't think so. It's certainly stolen a couple Giz articles that might otherwise be apple related. I've read this same article about 5 times on many other news sites. With the iphone pre-order disaster, this may give some potential buyers

Great. My GF wants one. Something else for her to hog. She doesn't even understand the concept of "nexties" when she's hogging my PS3.

@dallasmay: Well i'm anti-social. I think people are stupid and hate phone calls. I don't feel the need to share what I've done or where I've been or who I'm friends with. I don't care what people think or know about me. They're too dumb for me to care anyways. The people I care to know anything about will see me

@5erge: Hey mine is the 18th! Small world huh? Two people born one day after the other? :)

@planetarian: Care to enlighten us feeble peasants? Yay or nay? How awesome is it? I'd rather have 3d then old PS2 games, and I couldn't care less about 3d.

@dallasmay: I'll agree with both of those statements. Well at least the first, I don't have a facebook so I can't speak on that. But it sounds good.

@Piledriver: Collecting is one thing. Google already has my life story on their servers. Handing it out to strangers is completely different.

@dallasmay: I wouldn't say instant messenger has fallen. It is still very highly used, especially in business.

@seven5suited: Up until about 2 months ago I still used floppy's for Symantec Ghost to boot up images. Thankfully we finally upgraded software and now I can boot Ghost from USB drives.

Anyone want to take bets on when Apple starts censoring textbooks (assuming they have textbooks)?

@goaliegeek: That's because they have those awesome spanish announcers. I wish they'd have spanish announcers for football, basketball, baseball or golf. That might make those sports maybe a tad interesting. Or spanish announcers for grocery shopping. Those guys get you all jacked up.

@Zinger314: Technically, we surpassed Exxon a month and a half ago?