
@Zinger314: Not even close. It's the second worst oil spill in human history, only second to the Kuwait oil fields that were set on fire.

@xsbs: My life doesn't center around my phone. I don't have myspace, twitter or facebook. However it does make my life more convenient, and I can afford it, so why not?

@TaylorMonkey: So you're saying at 16, someone doesn't "have the maturity to truly understand the limits of their ability and the risk they take upon themselves", but at 18 they do? If they decide to murder someone well then they have the maturity to know the risk they take upon themselves, so let's give them life

@zwer: The world record for the oldest person ever is not held by someone living in an ADVANCED nation. I believe she's still alive. Feel free to look it up.

@Alchemistmerlin: I never understood how people thought it was boring. American football is boring. A 4 hour game and the guys only "play" about 15 minutes. Might as well be baseball. Then there's NASCAR. Yawn. That's why I never watch sports. American sports put me to sleep.

@RB_Surfer: A fun tip. Thousands of years ago the avg life expectancy of a human being was 19. Yet our race has still managed to survive.

@kable: Not true. I've seen plenty of people get hurt in auto repair. I've seen a 5000lb car fall off a lift and almost crush a classmate. I've seen a clutch spring almost puncture a hole through a person. I've seen a transmission almost crush someone's leg. My step-dad had 3rd degree burns on his arm when a

@The Lab: Unless her parents are idiots, I don't see sane parents letting their kid go off sailing without complete trust and faith.

@492b2 3b5t5k4mk3 3ñx39: I agree. At 13 I was writing HTML and building PC's. At 15 I was rebuilding engines. At 17 I was building custom engines, rebuilding turbochargers making custom ECU maps, and welding.

@dbx: I'm sure the parents would have to spend the rest of their lives with that decision. I'm sure they were well aware of that beforehand.

@xsbs: Yea, and you know what else is cheaper? Morse code. CB radio's, etc. Maybe you should look into those if you're that tight on money.

@isgrimner: Maybe not in all markets, but surely the markets with the most users. Sounds like the more populated cities have it the worst. More populated=more people=more users=the majority.

@Emulsifide: sunlight is part of the equation in photosynthesis.

@xsbs: Why would I want more friends that were 12? Pedo much?

This is going to be awesome for camping. Rub two sticks together?...psssshh...I got this...PEW!!

@Alex Young: You forget that each time someone posts an article about BP it keeps it fresh in our minds. Otherwise us as American's will forget about it. Americans=ADD, me included. The more they can burn this story into our brains the greater chance we'll remember it when it comes to future decisions.

@xsbs: You must be old. I don't know anyone with a home phone. Power outage? Umm... cell phone?

@roninpenguin: or add the ability to connect to a pico projector. Then you can mount that to your dashboard, reverse the image, and bounce it off a mirror onto your windsheild. That would be awesome.

The cool thing is, if Google keeps it up with updating their street view, is in 20 years we'll be able to go back in time and "drive" through our old neighborhoods and SHOW our kids the difference.