
@musiqrulez: It's underwhelming now, but back in the day it definitely changed the game.

@Lite: an adventurer is me!: Well put. I don't want to be locked to ANY eco system. Fortunately for me, Google usually makes it pretty easy to get out if I wanted to. My contacts have already been exported from Google and backed up. Same with email and music (no itunes drm crap, thank god!). The only thing I

@8thManOnTheMoon: Not sure. But we should travel back in time. I'm sure this question was asked before the iphone came out, before the internet, etc.

@SenorElChimpo: According to all the old TV shows, we're supposed to be in flying cars right now. I think our younger generation was too busy criticizing the older generation and we dropped the ball.

@Arken: I'd more say his opinion should be common sense. App store is pretty much the only thing that sets the iphone apart from other phones.

@isgrimner: We're talking about the iphone, not the HTC Fuze.

@Steve46: Cloud service. I can modify my calendar, contacts, etc online and it will sync over the air to my phone. Hot Spot capability. USB tethering. Ability to install apps from outside the market. I can use my phone as a mass storage device. I can swap the expandable storage. I can replace the battery. I

@Jeff Vader: Blown away by what? I didn't even see anything "neat" in the keynote. I was disappointed in Apple. I was expecting at least something cool. The phone does look a lot better though.

@techsan13: Maybe he's speaking from experience. 100% of the people I have conversations with, no matter what model, experience dropped calls. I tell all my buddies with iphones not to bother calling me, just text me. It irritates me to no end that we have to have conversations in 2 minute increments.

It's only fair. The respectable iphone fanboys let us have our days with all the Google IO and all the Froyo posts, so I won't complain too much.

A man's brain is 10% larger than a womans, therefore we're smarter.


@jeffk: That's weird. Most companies block .zip files.

I enabled it. That way I can track down my late-night booze fest. I might need this as evidence to provide to my gf that I was not at a strip club, and in fact asleep in a parking lot somewhere like I said I was. #latitude