Jigglypuff Can’t Be Banned

In old news, Splinter is pissed the president did something they disagree with. 

So you’re wrong, and now mad. Gotcha. 

GMG has a raging hard on for her, she’s about as inconsequential and hypocritical as any other low tier politician. 

ODs and MDs are quite similarly educated and certified, most of the difference rests in philosophy. So in short, it makes virtually no difference. It’s not like he went to a chiropractor. 

You do know those last two things can exist even in non-obese patients, yes? And that BMI has been ruled as inaccurate by the AMA?

Exactly what shows signs of poor health? The fact that he’s just a bigger guy? Or that Splinter dives on every tweet and typo he makes like a bunch of dogs going for scraps? That shows more about the Splinter staff’s mental health than anything. 

Maybe she wouldn’t have said that if he didn’t groom himself like a homeless person. 

AOC sneezes: Her snot has 2 out of 10 markers for a cancer cure!

Nah man, you were plying chicks with drinks like the rest of us. The only difference is there weren’t any camera phones back then. 

An anonymous retard, more like. 

Doesn’t one just...not open their mouth?

Because your statistic is both idiotically vague and incorrect?

Yeah, sure buddy. You were just so much better. 

My honest response to the whole situation is “..kay.”

Glad I’m not alone. Ever since I was in high school (2001-2005) they’ve been screaming about this shit and there’s nothing. It’s just a bunch of scientists who really don’t wanna lose that sweet government funding. 

Nah, any smart Republican knows what they’re dealing with in Pelosi - never underestimate your opposition. Doing so ends like the first time Luke challenged Vader and lost his hand. 

AOC’s professors only asked for solutions in their assignments, not methods to achieve said solutions. BU is so full of fully moronic theorist professors that they easily would have given her an A for this.

And your objection comes from someone who never solved a problem. 

Bezos owns the Post. 

Good luck cutting it that high in the air while trying to straddle that wall when it’s on the opposite side.