I’m still trying to figure out why Splinter is continuing the narrative that the kid did something wrong when they’ve fucking SEEN the video evidence.
I’m still trying to figure out why Splinter is continuing the narrative that the kid did something wrong when they’ve fucking SEEN the video evidence.
She’s still infinitely more qualified than anyone working at Splinter.
It’s hilarious how fast the left goes full blown racist the moment a black man doesn’t subscribe to their identity politics.
I’ve been in suicide watch. They do take your clothes, which I didn’t know ahead of time. The worstpart is that dumbass turtle suit they give you.
Hack writer is upset about TV show, GMG gives him a platform. Assistant professor of communication? Could you possibly teach a less viable topic? And sorry dude, nobody has heard of “old dominion university” probably because it isn’t accredited.
Cool dude, glad you’re so upset. I’m just gonna keep on giving zero fucks.
It’s not shilling when it’s fact but you know, believe whatever your liberal arts professors said y9u should. Makes no difference to me.
I’m a registered independent, I don’t play for any team and I think just fine. I just happen to be painfully aware that Democrat policies have caused a lot more harm to most people in the country than good. And no, I don’t care much about “the poors” because they cut school or fucked around and couldn’t get in to…
Not just France, didn’t it happen in Germany as well? But you’ll never hear those examples mentioned here because those perpetrators were Muslim and highlighting terrorism is against Splinter’s ethos.
I mean you have to think of it this way: how many people own guns legally and how many of those people go on killing sprees? It’s an insanely small subset. Many of them DONT own the weapons legally.
I was referring to the “attack rates have skyrocketed because of Trump” part.
“Kill yourself.” So sayeth every Midwest resident that makes far more than you.
Sorry, can’t, the Obama’s walled their estate off.
Does your dumb ass think Obama’s administration didn’t employ undocumented workers? Shit, his maid is probably illegal.
How many fucking Americans have you met in foreign countries that were students and are allowed to work? Answer: None
People are busy rounding up the illegals tending to Pelosi’s vineyard.
I don’t understand how these idiots don’t understand that restricting gun laws only affects law abiding citizens. A psychopath is still going to find a gun one way or another no matter what they do.
12 people is an incredibly low body count for the target rich environment he unloaded on.
By that standard Democrats were responsible for the recession during the Bush years. You’re going to eat shit in this discussion either way, it just depends on which side of the sandwich you want to bite.