Jigglypuff Can’t Be Banned

Really moving up in the world, huh?

Lol that is not how it will work out at all, and the fact that a fucking hat bothers you, or anyone so much is really just a sign of how pathetic this site’s reader base is compared to the 98% of the population that isn’t in the habit of screaming any time they encounter opposition. 

You’d be surprised how quickly people change directions when they are directly affected and the balance sheet slips from black to red. 

Lol good one big guy! Let me know the next time anyone else follows your epically moronic suggestion. Your epitaph should read “I’m so intolerant of others’ opinions I died of outrage.” And then I hope they just dump the body in a landfill instead and sand the headstone down for re-use. 

How long til you think an owner or manager gets sick and tired of having to listen to complaints and unfair treatment based on another table’s experience? Or undercover videos you with their phone about the disparity in treatment? Goodbye business, hello bankruptcy. 

Nobody does what you do outside of Berkeley. People in Boston don’t pay attention or give a shit, and we’re as blue as California, our population just isn’t as fucking dumb about it. 

You forgot the final step, which is: get fired 

We don’t care. We seriously don’t. 

I used language like that in HS, college, and occasionally private conversation with close friends. Maybe don’t be such a bitch about some words. 

Yeah, then I can’t imagine what HHS felt when Obama was doing it!

The bankrupt USPS, dwindling social security and the useless Dept of Ed that fucked up tons of loans when they were consolidated under Obama? Yeah, that’s the kind of efficiency I can get behind. 

I volunteer to follow AOC around with water jugs demanding she turn 5em to wine. It’s the least she could do, since she regularly does nothing. 

I’m deeply confused by this whole “planetary acopalypse” thing. Has even a single one of those “doom is coming” reports even come remotely true? Because I haven’t really seen shit. 

The funny thing is she’s never done anything in life to deserve this worship. At least Christ turned water in to wine and healed some lepers. 

No one cares if you’re triggered or not, though. 

Because every GMG blogger fell in to that trap and are watching industry wide layoffs wondering when they’re next. 

I’m pretty sure that’s a Univision directive since their ad revenue probably tanked after The Greying of 2018. 

People like you were calling for Kavanaugh’s head for what basically would’ve been considered misdemeanor sexual misconduct with zero evidence or corroboration. In fact, there was more evidence claiming that Ford was mistaken than the inverse. 

I think your problem is that aside from the lunatic fringe, the rational people just don’t give a shit about someone wearing blackface 35+ years ago. 

They were too busy “studying” journalism. Which is weird, given the dearth of “journalists” employed by GMG