Jigglypuff Can’t Be Banned

That article about her GoFundMe to stay in the country should just be posted as a comment to every article she puts up. 

Yeah but what are the odds the new Gawker commits as many civil infractions as the old?

You’re pretty alone there outside your cadre of fanatics. Also, your handle is dumb. 

You would’ve thought a bunch of people who paid between 30-50k a year at liberal arts schools or NYU for a journalism degree would have actually known how journalists?

That’s not a close second though. Deadspin was hilarious all around, Gawker commenters were 50/50 funny/whiners. 

Did you notice there were no shown tweets after like 2012-2013? Apparently over half a decade isn’t a significant amount of time. We all know this is obviously a hit piece, but the weird question is what axe to grind do Splinter staff have? Only HamNo was around from what I recall, and more importantly, does this mean

I doubt you’d be fooled considering the jeopardy skits involve Sean Connery in multiple instances. The person you replied to is an armchair doofus that hasn’t even read the law, much less understood it. You were at least on solid ground. 

Literally none of those things you listed matter in a trademark infringement case, as they aren’t needed to satisfy guilt. Clearly we know which of us isn’t a lawyer, but I doubt you’d figure it out even if I gave you two guesses. 

If they aren’t already, they definitely will be when they find out how much The Washington Post is suing them for trademark infringement and defamation. All they have to do is lose one subscriber and it’s locked in.

It’s not parody when you copy the full formatting and name of a trademarked entity, they’ve already damaged the brand. They’re toast.

They wanted to hand their life’s savings over to the Post and their lawyers and this seemed like the easiest way to do it?

You seem deeply confused about how resilient the human liver is, not to mention the body as a whole. 

Where’s the journalistic integrity in posting a link to the Hill where their survey has a 1k sample size and the difference between agreement and disagreement is roughly 10% and somehow you consider “somewhat favor” as being a lock for agreement? 

Sick and angry? You seriously need to get out more. 

Kotaku is staffed and it’s commenters are people whom basically love nitpicking for anything to be enraged about. This time they’re enraged that the last living members of their race would have had to have children for the entire story to actually come together. 

He’s saying people that don’t spend 20 hours of their day on fucking reddit and have lives and real world concerns do not actually give a shit about an incredibly loud and pissy, yet horribly small population, of immature kids think. 

Every idiot here claims they ditched it when Desmond died, except Desmond lived in the present day. The conceit still tracks because at least some if not all of them before Desmond would have needed to procreate in order for Desmond to exist. Basically everyone bitching would’ve wanted their characters to give virgin

Because without fucking procreation there wouldn’t have been other artifacts to find with DNA? Duh?

Except the line ends with their deaths and thus none of the other AC games would be possible. Stop trying to shoehorn stupidity in to a video game. 

Whiny young people want to force content creators to make sure everything can cater to their fragile egos, plot holes be damned. Kotaku fans flames of stupidity for clicks; Ubisoft rightly responds with softly worded, “tough shit, plot cohesion is more important than some whiny assholes’ ego.” Like, holy shit, get