Jigglypuff Can’t Be Banned

Got ‘em. They want everyone in without any checks or holds, but when someone follows the legal procedures and has a union legal in their country of origin, that’s when we should start making judgments and stopping them. The mental gymnastics here are definitely Olympic level. 

This just brings up the same old question: why are games bloggers so terrible at games?

I mean, it’s creepy whatever it is. 

Neither is nuance. Believe it or not, Republicans have figured out how to disagree about certain aspects but also unify as a whole. You know, that whole reason Democrats lose elections?

Dude, it’s Gizmodo media and Democrats. They’ve been obsessing over dumb shit the same as Republicans since inception. It’s just this time Univision calls the shots and is laying them off when they can’t produce clicks. 

Thanks! It’s not an easy job. 

One unique click won’t save them, plus I have a lovable ad blocker. It’s worth it. 

“We’re stoking outrage about a guy no one takes seriously because we need clicks to try and save our jobs.” - Splinter staff. 

I think she forgot to check her privilege. In all seriousness though, I’d prefer another Indian chemist or engineer. Having lived with one and known many, they tend to be both funny and their food is delicious 

That’s a perfectly reasonable opinion that I have no problem with, because it impeaches all of the parties - Bush, Clinton, Kennedy. I don’t really care about leaving enormous wealth to your children, why wouldn’t you? But you should also raise them to work, to learn, to improve themselves and adapt. I don’t think I’d

I mean, it was based on a religious objection which, while I may not agree with, do understand. It’s certainly not as petty as, say, limiting the amount of soda you can buy in one cup like NYC did. 

Alright, I mean that’s a fair critique but I never said I ever supported those wars waged against them. It was a social issue I really had no connection with so my attitude towards those groups was “I give zero fucks about what you do in your private life as long as it’s not fucking kids.” I have no idea what

Nobody should feel any guilt for using a leg up that was provided, anybody would do it except for some random outliers, and I personally view not using it as counter productive, because the world is a cruel and unforgiving place, and humans are still animals. I was lucky enough to have parents who were well off due to

Flag and dismiss yourself. 

It’s the lunatic fringe that gets the press. I am dead convinced of this because as someone in MA I work with and have talked with Democrats daily, and they generally articulate their points very well, and we usually come to a conclusion that a satisfactory solution involves aspects of both our beliefs. Here, however,

I wouldn’t call it fear of change, I’d call it having actual skin in the game. Having others pay for a bunch of free stuff sounds great when you have nothing. It sounds a whole lot worse when you have something to lose that you earned, and realize you’re one of the suckers that have to pay. 

Nice dismiss, you mental invalid. 

Hahaha wow. Simply wow. “Your country is a piece of shit compared to mine, but I just love it here so much more! Please pay for me to stay here!” I wonder what happened with that money? I can’t believe for a second any government agency would say “writing a blog is absolutely specialized work. Totally.” Though it was

I don’t agree with many of her policies, mostly on the grounds that they make little sense and would require an act of God to enact. What’s more frightening is that people are fired up because she hired a 22 year old smart ass that just delivers one liners on Twitter, and the younger people think that’s something that

Democrat wins in district 87% democratic, must be the future of the party. Thanks for handing over 2020 though.