Jigglypuff Can’t Be Banned

And what utopian state are you from that is just amazing? Please say California. It’s always California until their teachers strike or a wildfire breaks out. 

Yeah believe it or not, the country was founded on avoiding the tyranny of the masses. You should appreciate that, or you could simply move yourself to one of the violent socialist countries. 

How the fuck did you place New Hampshire and Vermont together?

You must be real popular at parties. You’re literally arguing in favor of violating a very important part of the Constitution and then stating your purpose is overloading the Senate on political grounds. That’s not only stupid, but certifiably wrong. Is it that surprising that they managed to imagine your insanity 200

Uh, puertorico nor the Navajo can afford it 

They don’t pay federal taxes, so you’re wrong. 

It’s almost like the founding fathers didn’t want the seat of government to have a separate and vested interest!

Fuck yeah, then we can die on escalators just like Chinese people!

That “outside power” was created exactly to keep people like you from creating a dictatorship. 

Yeah! Who cares about people we don’t agree with! Unilateral decisions across the board!

The founding fathers didn’t want the capitol in a state for fear of bias, which is still a valid point. Idk who the fuck in DC is mad about their lack of voting rights. Leave if you don’t like it. 

I mean, that was basically the left’s platform since 2016 at the latest. They don’t know what people want, but they know people dislike certain words...and they still blew it. I would totally feel comfortable about handing the reigns of government to those people...never. 

I agree, but he at least gets things done. AOC couldn’t even back up her cries for Congress people to refuse their checks during the shutdown. She thinks Twitter matters. She thinks words solve real issues. This girl is only a bit younger than me and she is absolutely the voice of a dumbass generation. Which is kind

She has no credibility or evidence so I’d say he answered it fine. 

What a surprise, AOC’s twitter manager has nothing to say. That’s a first. I’m expecting another petulant “hate me cos you ain’t me” next. 

If Gaga wore that jacket you’d be jerking off to it.

Idk, how long have you known who Steve King is?

Except she’s not dumb because of any of those things. The valid criticism would be “ignorant and naive.” Though I’d consider cunt acceptable since she is a loud mouthed fool who thinks her teachers knew everything. “Court Jester” would likely be most accurate. 

Your statement works in his favor. Why the fuck would the President be paying attention to Steve King? He can’t remove him, can’t do anything. I didn’t even know who he was til Splinter posted it. He’s not important or relevant, so if I was President I wouldn’t concern myself with him either. 

Maybe AOC should be doing things to help her district, rather than spending time jumping from spotlight to spotlight and surfing Twitter. Of course that will never happen because she’s clueless and thinks as long as Twitter loves her, utopia is guaranteed!