Jigglypuff Can’t Be Banned

Supposedly racist person employs black woman for many years, pays her large sums of money, progressives miss contradiction. Nobody is surprised. 

I’m surprised nobody said it sooner. 

A white lady and a Puerto Rican? Somehow I doubt he’s going to call Warren a cracker. 

I mean, when your critic is a 29 year old bartender, “who cares” is a viable answer. 

Am I the only one thinking most progressives will have strokes in their 40’s from a lifetime of burying their love of girl on girl soft Core?

I, for one, have no interest in seeing a nude bipedal horse. 

Who cares, though?

You’ve been watching too many Bond movies. 

Everyone thinks TomatoFace is awesome except people jealous of him. 

What, there’s some siniser cabal of Republicans holding LA’s purse strings?

In terms of tax revenue, the South and LA might as well be in a separate universe. 

The south is poor, LA is not. Maybe stop paying city functionaries huge ass salaries and pensions. 

Progressive stronghold likes its voting block undereducated and docile. Color me surprised. 

You don’t seem very smart, so I can’t wait til the IRS explains taxes to you. 

I heard a lot of “woe is me” in there. And I guess I got my answer, she’s very brainwashed. 

Well, we can’t fire the people for sucking at their jobs because of their Union, so I mean...I guess not paying them is the next step?

Man in eyeliner? Man in eyeliner. 

Wait, one of your friends witnessed other people getting their cars destroyed and is “severely traumatized?” Yeah...doubt it. 

Guilt by association is no guilt at all. 

The great thing is there’s nobody alive from Wounded Knee to be offended!