Jigglypuff Can’t Be Banned

I’m almost positive dudebra is a Russian troll. 

I know your system sucks and that I sure as shit don’t want to wait on average 10 months because some dumbass low level government functionary deemed it “medically necessary elective surgery,” and you know it was a government employee who came up with that terminology because they’re too dumb to know something can’t

Probably. Because  you live in fantasy land.

So you’re going against US medical science that says amniocentesis can’t identify most debilitating diseases. Good luck. And even if Downs doesn’t affect the healthcare system, they affect the economy. They are essentially grocery baggers forever. 

I cannot fully say that would be in poor taste. 

I used to right after I graduated college. It is NOT fun if you have any sort of conscience. 

I don’t get OP saying women don’t need to be protected if they’re breadwinners? Most know women don’t NEED protection, but men do it as a biological reaction from the fact we tend to be bigger. She’s being taken advantage of in this case and if roles switched we’d say the same. Where’s the sexism?

Given that he spent 25k of 30k on a showroom VW Passat from contest winnings I’m going to assume this dimwit has no idea how taxes work. Admittedly, I have zero idea how twitch donations are taxed. They must be considered gifts, ya? That’s a hefty tax rate. 

25k for a fucking Passat? Sweet Jesus the dumbass must’ve bought it off the floor! This guy could teach a master class on how to throw away money. He was probably on hard times because his tax bill came due saying he owed 12k. Because he’s a dumbass, you see. 

So he’s either a total moron who thought his shit band was gonna make it big so he could have a kid or he’s half a moron that can’t use a rubber or pull out. How brainwashed is that poor woman?

Found the abusive boyfriend, ladies!

It worries me a bit how he doesn’t at all feel bad for the fact that his girlfriend is supporting him. Not to sound chauvinistic, and I don’t date women that don’t work, but most men seem to be raised with the same ideals I was taught: you take care of your lady as best you can. You take care of your children with

I’m assuming this talk would’ve involved some very serious and credible threats, and some aggressive handshaking and shoulder grabs, and I’d approve. 

I can’t help but believe the people who pay to watch someone else play a video game are complete and utter suckers. I mean, I’m an asshole, but I couldn’t believe people do it if I hadn’t seen it first hand. 

Can’t disagree. I’ve always wondered if my hatred of streamers was envy or disgust, but the more times I see this as the case I lean more towards disgust. What is the obsession? More over, where is the desire to educate or improve oneself? If I could’ve been paid to take classes I totally would’ve been in to it, but

Hey now, Nissan should be included there. I had a 95 Nissan through high school and in to college with over 150k miles. Thing was a dream. 

Wait is Merriman retired? It’s been so long since we’ve played the Chargers in the post season I never even noticed. 

From my experience and a number of colleagues who have said the same, the Bar is a lot easier than the LSATs ever were. Don’t sweat it. 

I both applaud and express my distaste at the fact you admitted to eating at a Golden Corral. 

I was confused as well, then I wondered if he was referring to Mel Gibson’s character in that Vietnam war movie about being surrounded and needing support.