
Yeah I am not surprised. I work in retail/fashion and I am severely disturbed by how eager some people seem to trade my job, and the jobs of LITERALLY MILLIONS of others, for a few thousand coal and/or factory jobs that will just be automated away in a few years anyway. But you know, I guess those jobs are manly jobs

other tips! (tip 1) use a spotter for a boost, or a chair, or jump so that you start at the “top” of the pull up position, hanging with your elbows bent and chin above the bar. Hold as long as you can, then descend slowly. (tip 2) get a spotter to hold you lightly by the waist as you pull up from a straight hanging

I read the first one and did not understand what the big deal was, really....but I seem to be in the minority.

or you could give a gift because you presumably care about one half of that couple and want to commemorate an important milestone in their lives...

when reasonable, air dry stuff that is mostly stretchy!

I’m unreasonably excited for this, and the animated original isn’t even my favorite of the Renaissance movies. I can’t get too ruffled about the intrinsic creepiness of the love story because honestly well adjusted love stories are boring. Like I love my husband a ton, but “couple meets through friends, hits it off

This is 0% surprising. Setting aside the fact that she annoys me, I hope we can acknowledge now - after so many horror stores from the start up front - that it’s counterproductive to dismiss ‘corporate’ or ‘bureaucratic’ as automatically soul-killing and bad. Working with people is hard, and leading people is hard,

I didn’t think the point of the NYT article was that we have to accept and praise her. I think the point was that skipping all the totally legit criticisms in order to bash her hair, clothes, and makeup is the same sexist bullshit that any woman in a position of visibility or power suffer through all the time. It’s

Rayna was a terrible, boring character and a total waste of Connie Britton. Maybe the show can be more fun now? Although this opens up too big an opportunity to fixate on sad will-he-relapse Deacon, who I always found irritating and tiresome.

Not that surprising. Thanks to the encouragement of Kelly Faircloth, I’ve been reading a bunch of Regency romance novels. And while I’m totally into it, both the romance part and the painstaking description of everyone’s dresses, I always find myself wondering “but...would this guy really be this hot?” I appreciate

me too! I had an ultrasound at 7 weeks and the doctor really just pointed out the ‘yolk sac’ - hard to get very sentimental about that. Since then we’ve seen things resembling gummy bears, shrimp, and aliens - honestly even finding out the gender via a blood test (I’m about 16 weeks now) has not really made me feel

just here to address some commenters notes about quality vs. luxury in apparel and accessories! (1) no, a designer name does not automatically mean quality (2) often times VERY high end designer names are very much CORRELATED with quality - i.e., a Prada or Chloe or whatever handbag is likely to have some hand

ME TOO! My husband and I thankfully only did one cycle and now I am in my second trimester, but the entire experience really intensified my pro choice feelings.

hot take though: Hennessy is gross.

khaki pants? Maybe Rihanna would be more into you if you stopped dressing like a school teacher from the waist down.