
But...now what will all the rich people with no taste wear?

Ugh, stop. You're arguing over terminology. Master's degrees take 1-2 years. Law school takes 3. Med school takes 4. PhDs take 5 years at the very least, but more commonly 7-8.

Every soccer fan knows that FIFA is corrupt and that Qatar brazenly bought the 2022 World Cup. However, the reason the English media is treated suspiciously as well is because of England's sordid history when running FIFA. Yes, Blatter is corrupt as was his predecessor Havelange but prior to that, FIFA was pretty

Wait, she talked to three Neo-Nazi Germans in a rally and three KKK members and you've figured out who the most "compassionate" racists are? What kind of mental gymnastics does one have to perform to extrapolate these four-second snippets to analyze entire countries?

Speaking of racism, I know that Jezebel tends to center on social issues in America, but there is a huge rise in racist parties in Europe. Front-National, UKIP, etc. Plus the Germans literally got a neo-Nazi in the European parliament (I think they got 2 seats). The situation in the world is really, really scary.

I don't know if this is the best but it might be my favourite:

I posted this in response to someone else a minute ago but what the hell, still relevant. A girlfriend and I got a hotel room and some E a while back to see what it would be like having sex rolling, and we mostly just ended up showering together for an insanely long time. I'm not sure we even remembered to have sex,

I used to think that women who said they enjoyed anal sex were probably not lying, exactly, but it was like saying "I like hard candies". They're sweet and they'll do the trick but no one actively craves butterscotch lozenges.

NYE orgy in a prominent former congressman's hot tub.


Look at you, doing your small part to help the worthy veterans of this great nation.

Grad school, winter break I go to visit a friend from college. We end up crashing at her boyfriend's place one evening. Her boyfriend's roommate was a Marine, had just gotten back to the states after being deployed for over a year.... Yada, yada, yada, the sex was good but having a man eat out your pussy after he's

No, I still think it's unrelated, sorry. Asperger's makes you socially awkward. That's mostly it. If you want to know more details about what exactly Asperger changes (based upon what I've read, what several therapists told me, and what I've observed in my Aspie friend and myself), I'd recommend this one: http://crosst

I know a lot of other issues are more prevalent in Aspies. If he has been in therapy all his life, though, and no one ever even mentioned another disorder, I doubt he had anything else going on.

I have just about given up getting people to understand that the word "disorder" appearing in the DSM is not synonymous with "mental illness." Frankly, it's just easier to go by the legal standard — are they delusional? Do they fail to understand the difference between socially accepted and codified notions of right

Even if mental illness was a factor (and if it was, you'd think someone would have diagnosed the guy) it was clearly not the ONLY factor. And since most mentally ill people are not violent, (in fact, the mentally ill are more likely to be victims of violence than the general population, and less likely to commit it)

I think you're misinterpreting a lot.

Erin hasn't gotten as far in her life as she has without rejection, trust me. When you actually try to accomplish things, real things (like being a writer) you go through many stages of rejection first. So I'm sure she knows that it's like.

One thing I've noticed in heterosexual situations:

Women, argue PUAHaters, will only go out with good looking alpha males and would never look twice at anyone who isn't a musclebound dreamboat with a six-figure income, and most men will never be those things, and so the world is against them and life is unfair.