
I've known lots of shy guys. I even dated a few. They were sweet, and never made feel like they might hurt me and never gave off creepy vibes. Creep != shy. In fact, some of the creepiest guys I've known were outgoing. No one thinks shy people are creepy. They think creepy people are creepy.

I am an opera critic for the New York Observer. The critics who complained about Ms. Erraught's appearance were in some cases tactless, but their point, I think, is valid.

Soundcloud is in Berlin not Sweden. Like all the cool things in Europe.

Soundcloud is fairly well run. The infrastructure is top notch and they have a good process for the management of samples on soundcloud songs.

I feel like the ease of getting sex as a woman is god's silver lining for all the monthly blood and pain, 9months perchild of body ruining agony, undervalued in the workplace, not being able to walk at night without getting murdered/raped/harassed and a million other indignities we suffer.

This is a beautiful piece of literature.

I turned that off last night after about 12 minutes. I was so excited by the cast I ignored warnings that it was shit and tried so hard to watch it but it was so, so shitful!

There's a racial sensitively hierarchy in the political correctness of America. Blacks, Jews, and gays (despite not being a race) are at the top, so they would never be targetted for a joke like this. Whites, middle easterners, and latinos are the middle, and this issue shows that Asians are at the bottom alongside

"The best divorce ever."

Nicotine and red wine, no contest.

You do not invite half of a couple to a wedding. Repeat: you do NOT invite half of a couple to a wedding. Every major wedding etiquette guide says this, repeatedly, Emily Post is the most readily accessible in case anyone doubts this. It is exceedingly rude, as the one getting married, to deprive a person of their

Lara Stone is 30

*By the way, what the fuck is "fat pockets"? *

By the way, what the fuck is "fat pockets"?

Well, also, anybody who knows anything about fitness is not going to be talking about running giving you "fat pockets" in earnest. WTF, this person.

For those of you who don't yet speak dick, let me translate:

He must have said that probably because he knew he'd be kicked out of office.

I have no clue what either of them are saying

Tell yourself whatever you need to reason your Lupita craze. Hype now, backlash later. Happens to every starlet. Let's try not to with Lupita.

I've already seen some comments about Lupita and how people are "sick of seeing her"

Best Line ever: Super Uschi, super Muschi, super Sushi.