
that song was 10 years ago girl, I mean 10 years ago Amy Schumer and Louis CK did way more horrible shit, and you still love them, so i don’t know why you give them a pass and not Katy Perry? Also name me some more of your favorite people, because i bet i could find something they did in the last 10 years that you

I got pregnant in college when I was 18 (drunken hook up) — this was in the late 80s. The advertising was so effective that I just thought all at-home pg tests weren’t really all that accurate, so I just went to the university health clinic. Which sent me a referral to the nearest abortion clinic and also took care of

She certainly seems to play a nationalism card a lot, like “don’t let my kids grow up in some weird foreign country” kind of appeal.

I'm 99% sure he pays her for her travel and somewhere for her to stay in Monaco. She brought this upon herself by getting his visa revoked. She thought it would guarantee her full custody & it blew up in her face. I have absolutely no sympathy for Kelly in this situation.

I’m almost entirely with you on waiting to drink until your day is done, but just last night, my wife, who is starting a new job, met me for a beer at the place around the corner from my office at about 5:30 so she could tell me about her first-ish day (long story). Thanks to the fact that it’s a hellish week at my

The disparity really is incredible. People in other countries walking an entire day without shoes to get to a clinic for a vaccination vs. these rich celebrities who are so priviledged they can afford to eschew them.

For anyone here who says vaccines are dangerous - the method used to produce vaccines has been studied for over 200, close to 300 years. Cars have been around for less. Microwave ovens have been around for less. VACCINES HAVE BEEN AROUND LONGER THAN HANDWASHING AS A MEDICAL PRACTICE.

Where she’s right is that this casual “doctors suck” mentality breeds this kind of fallout. Society has shifted and decided that doctors are part of a “Service” culture, where the customer is always right. Your doctor is less likely to agree with that. Your elders didn’t dislike their doctor nearly as much as the

That is what I don’t get.

Eating is an activity you’re doing together. Historically speaking, when having dinner at someone’s house, you everyone’s supposed to try and pace themselves along with the host. Plates for each course are served and taken away at the signal of the host. All together.

He didn’t do the face tattoo moron. Thats Gucci Mane but by all means keep trying to be snarky, its cute when you make yourself look stupid.

Man, how do all these people in the comments not know about Gucci Mane?!

So stupid. The reason their sales are plummeting is the same reason Lululemon etc sales are plummeting: they got too greedy. The price of the clothing has crept up while the quality has dropped drastically. I’m not spending $150+ on some paper-thin piece of sweatshop crap that will pill and unravel after two washes.

It is a goddamn tragedy what has happened to Detroit. Michigan won us that war

Stalin could have declared War on Hitler in 1939, rather than splitting Poland between them and then supply Hitler with Oil and Grain right upto the time the Panzers rolled over the frontier in 1941

9. Small Cats.

Look, you aren't gonna change my mind with poorly drawn analogies to Islamophobia or absolutist interpretations of how privilege works. And obviously I'm not about to change your mind, because from my point of view you're much too invested in this anger to actually listen to the point I originally made. So why don't

I think it’s possible to recognize that people who come out had some level of privilege before doing so without cheapening their struggle or fear about their secret identity. Before I came out I had straight privilege and male privilege and, to some extent, cis privilege (although on that count it was all external,

Isn't that a little tacky to use a business for the service of pupil distance and then leaving to purchase elsewhere.

Jezebel Basic