
I love how the cops handcuffed the guy they didn’t mean to shoot, too. Were they trying to handcuff the autistic guy but missed?

It always creeped me out that Rudy Giuliani was a kid growing up in Brooklyn in the 40s and 50s (not far from Ebbets Field, no less) and he rooted for the Yankees.

What about string cheese? It’s delicious and fun!

Put your stuff in a waterproof pouch and tie it to a shark (it can be a nice shark like a nurse shark or something, most people won’t know the difference).

This is a good idea. Also, to make sure you don’t forget where you buried your stuff, draw a map to it on an old piece of parchment and throw it out to sea rolled up in an antique bottle (the tide will eventually bring it back to shore...some shore, at least). Make sure the map is cryptic but not so cryptic that a

I like the fact that I’ve literally never heard the term “mushroom mooring” and yet I knew immediately what one is as soon as I read it.

Hey, just want to say that I empathize. One of my best friends is bipolar and I think a lot of people who may only be familiar with Hollywood or TV portrayals of the disorder don’t really understand how severe the psychosis can be. It’s not cleaning your apartment at 3am and going shopping, people.