
Do you think the NRA or law abiding gun owners support this clown? No we don’t. All the NRA is doing is protecting the rights of 300 milllion gun owners so they aren’t taken away by the actions of a few crazies. Unless you want that logic to apply to every facet of life.

And I’m glad they won’t change them, I love my guns. The best way to stop someone with a gun is with another gun.

So what? NRA doesn’t make people crazy. You couldnt let the bodies get cold before you wrote your little blog article trying to politicize something?

The United States ranked 26th with 61 terror incidents in 2016. There were a total of 13,488 documented terror incidents around the world that year. The US accounted for 0.5% of those incidents. Seems like you don’t know what you are talking about and don’t pay attention who what goes on around the world...

If you can’t repeal the DA, then what makes you think you’ll be able to modify the 2A?

This is ignorant and irrelevant. Machine guns were banned in 1986. The problem here is the perpetrator. Let’s make his illegal machine gun even more illegal! That’ll stop the next one for sure! I truly believe if someone wants to commit terrorism they will find a way to do so. You guys can go ahead and continue to

when a car is used to run through a crowd you should tell us the congresscritters who took money from the auto industry too.

Texas had the Dallas sniper killings and other mass murders. They know that the 2A gives rights to everyone and some are going to abuse that right. It doesn’t mean, however, that you strip people of the right.

It would be an amazing day when you libs can actually realize that despite a Christian’s beliving in the sanctity of Marriage and basic morality, we can disagree and yet still care about humans. I know that is a foreign concept to you, that disagreement is not automatically hate, but it’s true.

Ever since Fusion came online as part of the post-Gawker family I have been disappointed to see how much negativity and divisiveness it tries to promote.

You can always count on a psychopath to try and profit from others death.

He may be the king of all douchebags, and to put it mildly not a fan of the LGBTQ community, but he certainly didn’t want them to be murdered. That would the adherents of the other 8th century religion.