How about the Bataclan theater in France where they have lots of gun control?
How about the Bataclan theater in France where they have lots of gun control?
France has strict gun control, yet at the Bataclan theater they shot 100's of people. Or they run over 87 people with a truck. New gun control laws won’t solve the problem of evil and will just make at risk people not able to defend themselves.
Europe has really strict gun control laws, yet terrorists were able to shoot hundreds in the Bataclan theater. Or they ran over 87 with a truck. There are no laws that are going to stop these tragedies from happening, they will just leave small business owners, women who live alone, and at risk people at the mercy of…
What are you advocating?
Citation? Where are gays and trans people killed every day by Christians? And a random American isn’t a Christian.
You realize that both the guys willing to show their faces in association with that movement are getting death threats. Not a mainstream Muslim opinion by any means.
B b b but, if we blame the people who truly hate gays, who kill them everyday, they might be mad at us, maybe even hurt us. So we’ll pile on the guy who it’s popular to hate who would never hurt us.
So you can’t disagree with anything I’ve stated. Got it. I’ll take logic and being informed over being “a real hoot at a party”, anyday.
Whoever wrote this post is a disgusting human being. You have no evidence that Pence hates anyone. You are using the deaths of 49 human beings to politicize your hate for another person. The only person that we have evidence hated these people was Omar Mateen, a registered Democrat, whose father was an enthusiastic…