Middle fingers up.....Tell ‘em BOY BYE
Middle fingers up.....Tell ‘em BOY BYE
Welcome to Philadelphia!
When they say that she “declined” the paperwork what they mean to say is a mom with three kids can't stand at the courthouse for 12 hours to wait for a judge to give her the paperwork.
The fact that she's a woman affects her credibility according to most of the comments I've read about this. Unreal
Johnny Depp is morning-drunk and acting like a violent lunatic This helps to prove all of her claims, so good for her if she did release it
He was hilarious on SNL
Said the ZARA employee.
oh Taylor-trying to backpedal and say she didn’t know she was going to be referred to a “bitch” and that being the reason she’s upset. That’s not what she said in her award speech and she denied the call ever happened. Nope girl, you're busted. Congrats Kim, and I’m sure she ran this past her legal team before posting…
If that's a real thing sign me up too. I have two friendly dogs and endless patience
I look at my sleeping infant son and know in my heart that I would not defend him if he did what this kid did
Fanny packs are back in. For reals
Then you’ll like this one, it’s fresh in my mind because I watched a man booting up at 7 this morning and then throw his fucking dirty needle on the sidewalk like it was a smoked parliament light. http://www.phillyvoice.com/dog-who-catche…
I’m sure each and every one of these people had a harder life then I can even imagine. I'm not making fun of them.
I’ve lived in Kensington in North Philly since June. I’ve seen three dead bodies on the street since then, all junkies dead from OD. Everyone you pass on the street is high. They fall asleep standing up or walk in a bizarre stiff legged way without bending their knees. They sleep on my stoop and I have to wake them up…
The most important skills I learned from my father are-how to throw a serious punch, how to load and shoot a firearm and how to drive a manual transmission. Last year I was being attached by a person I was ending a relationship with and I was surely glad I had learned how to throw that punch. It bought me a few…