
If only there was an election in 2016 that could have made Alito a semi-amusing crank in a 6-3 minority... I remember hearing something about that election, where both candidates were the same and the Supreme Court didn’t matter.

Funny how all the women telling me that in 2016 were already post-menopause.

You serious with this? It’s the same guy in generally the same area in all six screenshots. You count six, I count two. Hell, two of the shots just have the same footage used twice - the zoomed in shots of Strange with our friend running to his right both times. It’s not that it’s similar, it’s just reused. And those

Ah, Exhibit A as to why “Always Online” is a really shitty thing for everyone but the publisher.

I know the “PC master race” thinks mobile gaming is beneath them but a lot of people play games on their phones and Diablo would fit the mobile play pattern really well.

They abused each other.

Do you internet people ever get exhausted hating cool stuff

Voracious, hostile douchebags should be exempt from being recipients of common courtesy and etiquette.


BUhhhh why do you use “they” to refer to a singular person! I’m so confused! I can’t figure out a single thing in this article! Is it even in English?! 

You have a higher chance of going to Hawaii and getting attacked by Ezra Miller than you do getting attacked by a shark.

Then don’t make a sex tape twenty years ago, sister.

“The last thing I want, as a mom, is for my past to be brought up twenty years later. ”

it might appear worthless at first glance, until you think about the secondary market of providing fodder for blog posts for sites trying to fill out their quota

The conspiracy theorist in me thinks that the Activision Blizzard scandal will eventually be found to involve Newsom, and he’s panicking.

“Tokens are now practically worthless”

Cue the dumbass cryptbros: yOu JuSt DoN’t UnDeRsTaNd CrYpTo BrO tRuSt Me It’S bEtTeR tHaN rEaL mOnEy!!!! now give me some real money for my fake money!

That kind of weak ass deflection died out five years ago.

I don’t know, the fact Will himself is laughing at the joke that he apparently felt so enraged by five seconds later that he would on camera slap (it wasn’t even a punch) someone over and the camera was perfectly set up to catch the entire approach as he walked up to Chris Rock and not simply catching the last moment,

Now playing

This video is talking about the video game market, but a lot of these companies grade things like sports and Pokémon cards too.