Famously non-racist American gamers
Famously non-racist American gamers
Shut the fuck up chud
I’m just going to come out and say it:
I really don’t understand this marketing campaign for The Flash.
How is the 5th best selling console of all time a “niche bit of hardware”?
“Imagine reading your favorite comic book or watching the latest season of a show you love, except they are all based in the same amazing world.”
I want to see a world where the characters and stories that I love don’t end after I finish the game. That’s been a dream of mine for several decades. The biggest hurdle to overcome has been that there hasn’t been a meaningful way to connect different entertainment worlds together in the right way. Web 3 will unlock…
She is vilified not because she is ‘not perfect’ or that because she ‘misspoke because it was painful’, but because it was proven that she has repeatedly lied and manipulated many people around her. And, what is even more important, it was clearly shown before the court that she abused him as well. For crying out…
Wow Crash is not available anywhere for streaming?
ngl, whenever you write about difficulty in games it feels like you’re trying to will the “git gud” comments into existence so that you have a villain in the comments to point at, or like you’re trying to whip up an argument.
Wait so he was concerned about the character appearing in a spin off title (that has not once affected stories or anything really in the characters’ respective main games), muddying the lore of his series which is already a gigantic clusterfuck?
God, so young. That’s too bad, I loved him as Maruki in Persona 5 Royal.
What about people who are falsely accused and spend decades in jail? People of color who are still locked up, even though it has been clear they didn’t commit any crimes?
Just gonna paraphrase/quote some Queen from Youtube here; it is morally justifiable to pirate from Nintendo.
Irony’s a hell of a thing to commit to. You could just watch a good film, you know?
Oh, it’s definitely Metal Gear in name only. It plays like a hack and slash, but if you like insanity and cheese, it’s got a great story.
No mention of that soundtrack m8?? Objection!
Squenix isn’t going to sleep with you dude, no matter how hard you suck their dick.
I laugh so hard about how angry people get with their master chief thoughts.
ikr. “People shouldnt exploit this case for clicks” and also “we worked long and hard to find a way to write an article about it even though we focus on video games”