
controversial opinion: I really dig Resurrection. I think the best thing I heard about that movie that put me in the right frame for it: “It’s a sequel to the sequels.”

I like to think that the original Matrix is a standalone film and the sequels are entirely different movies that just happen to have the same

So... don’t use it based on drama and shit that happened 4-5 years ago? When emulators that are active generally change a hell of a lot in that time?

Exactly, better and better!

You thought it was Final Fantasy Tactics, but it was I, DioField!

You know literally nothing about that project or how much work has to be done

Have you seen Robert Pattinson in any non-Twilight movies?

Just say you’re a smash player next time

“Benedict Cumberbatch contains potassium benzoate.”

Utter bull-crap. Other than the streaking challenge, I have never heard any of these. At least not in the scale that your stupid tik-tok teens are committing to, which is whom lifehacker seems to be pandering to.

That’s fucking gross, but also, how pathetic do these folks have to be to think “the reason I can’t sleep with Natalie Portman is that she hasn’t turned 18 yet?”. Trust me, that wasn’t the major barrier.

... you ever get the feeling that “below expectations” involves the same kind of magical math that makes the most successful films of all time never be profitable, except for the fact that all the suits get all the money from them?

Imagine thinking that your entire life was worth risking on a mask that gives away your hairline and facial features and the ability to fence that much product for anywhere near the value. This guy is super fucked.

I don’t ask for much, universe, but please: Keep Cavill away from NFTs. 

Ah yes, the readily available PS5. The solution is to buy hardware that can play the software because the hardware that supposed to already play the software doesn’t work due to the software itself. Perfect solution. 

Tim Collins, if you’re reading this, hit me up.

I’m glad I’m immune to the siren song of mint condition. I’d pay $25 for a loose copy of Secret of Mana with TIM COLLINS sloppily scrawled on both sides in magic marker and never need anything better.

“the DFEH is impeding the meaningful progress at Activision Blizzard and delaying compensation to affected employees.”

I’m 6' and I don’t have any problem with her being fired. I can’t pretend to comprehend the cultural implications of the slang she used, but you can say “I prefer tall men” without saying “Short men aren’t humans and should have surgery to fix their defect”. Replace tall/short with any other immutable identifier about

The fact that Donald Trump isn’t on this list is a yuuuge glaring omission.