
No, as I said in another post, the ending was refreshing in that another "dark" entertainment ended with some hope, rather than despair.

Did anyone here expect any sort of ethics from samsung?

I find it hilarious. Awesome how people are allowed to have opinions huh?

Seriously. Stupid book readers. With their EYES and LEARNING.

Certainly not OUR emotions...Hell, we can't even figure out for sure whether all of us humans even experience emotion in the same manner, and that's just our own species. But a close approximation certainly seems well within the realm of possibility.

Joffrey finishing books 4 and 5.

Definitely not "Disneyfication". Also, each book is so long, even with 10 hours per season, you can't possibly expect them to fit in every little detail. I think they do a pretty damn good job with what they've got.

When he thought he saw a stranger, did he then chase your mom into the bathroom with a gun while she was screaming loud enough for multiple neighbors to hear, and shoot four times through a closed door? Because that doesn't really sound like the same thing.


It's funny because a woman was murdered!

there is 0 proof that vaccines can cause autism. Additionally recent studies have shown that autism begins in utero.

Second, I don't give a shit what someone "feels" when it comes to science. I "feel" like I'm going to win the lottery doesn't make it true.

Except it CAN'T trigger autism. Go look at the latest research: Autism is developed while *in the womb*. It is entirely coincidental that it shows up within the vaccine schedule. So, as they said in the article above, it is utterly irresponsible to associate the two together.

So, they are anti-vaccine. Thanks for providing another example. Second, I don't give a shit what someone "feels" when it comes to science. I "feel" like I'm going to win the lottery doesn't make it true.

Thanks for posting more from the NAA website. Now we are even more informed on the incorrect stance they take on vaccinations.

Yeah, I hear you. And sorry if I came off as complaining about your complaining. Lol. Wasn't doing that.

"Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'"