
I definitely want this. I'm excited Toyota is on board as well. New car here we come!

I'm pretty sure that you had no childhood.

Jesus said jack shit about gays

But...Zelda is a girl.

This is insane... how do you pronounce GIRL, or GIFT?? So why JIF????

Republicans can STFU everywhere.

For a man so inteligent, such stupid action.

While I actively dislike Alien 3, Resurrection is the only movie I've ever watched where I actually want those 2 hours of my life back.

It ends with them riding off into the sunset! The universal sign for, "We're done here."

28 Days Later is an amazing, 5 star film. 28 Weeks Later is complete and utter trash, and everyone involved in it's production should be beaten half to death, perhaps before being beaten the remaining way to death. I hate that disgusting cash-in more than I love the first one, and I really, really love the first one.

Why Zod? Why????

You don't have to sympathize, you don't have to agree with or condone how he lived behind the scenes, or how he went out. He's dead, no judgment. He did his job well, that's all that matters, he doesn't owe anyone specially the public an explanation.

I rather dislike the word "overrated". It implies the speaker views their taste as the superior ones.

Gonna have to go with The Mist's Ending.

Last year, I went on a 700 mile trip with Apple maps with no issues. I also go on a lot of business trips, which I used to bring my Garmin with me on, but I haven't touched my Garmin in over a year and have been using Apple maps exclusively. Every once in a while it'll get an address wrong, but it's no where near as

What a strange, single facetted response.

Just imagine if we'd find out in 50 or 100 years climate change isn't real! We'd have made a greener, cleaner, more livable planet all for nothing!