
You can always use the touch screen. The secondary input (the crown) is for moments when you need to be more precise, your fingers not in the way - scrolling through a list, selecting a picture. With touch screen only, you'd have to constantly raise and lower your finger to see certain elements, unlike on a phone

The "flat tire" cutoff on the LCD screen is kind of unacceptable from a design standpoint. Why wouldn't they solve this problem before release? Lazy.

"It's about ethics in journalism!" - Jayne

Doing a fresh install is shockingly easy on a Mac. Not sure what you mean.

thanks for sharing! :)

It beats the Ant-Man trailer.

Now playing

How soon we forget... Kira was a deranged sociopath.

What's worse is there were four Next Gen movies! Sad how forgettable they are. They deserved better.

Well damn, now that I see the hordes are piling on you, I feel bad for joining the chorus. Turn off kinja and go for a walk. The road goes ever on, my friend.

Not sure what you mean. The subtitles all relate to the Hobbit, either chapter names or allusions to them. But yes, the films are not just the Hobbit, and, for me, that's the problem. A clear narrative that followed Bilbo and saw the events through his eyes would have been wonderful.

Tolkien made edits to the Hobbit that were included in future releases but those scenes were not added. Obviously he didn't want them included. The point is those scenes are not in the Hobbit, which SHOULD be a story focused on the journey of its main character, and filtered through his experience. Something with

I've only seen the first one and it's, without a doubt, better than the LEGO movie. Much better story and character development, and damned charming.

I wrote a comment then realized I'm sick to death of Apple vs. Android wars...then I tried to delete it but Kinja wouldn't let me.

I don't want the internet's hell fire to rain down upon me, but... I'm fine with it not be nominated. The films that were are all superior to me. And yes, I had a childhood AND loved LEGO. I thought it was cute and fun but forgettable... (gulp)

previously known as "book-reading" face.

Just like Steve Balmer laughing at the iPhone. Go Steve!

It's weird, but... a lot more interesting than most music videos today.

This is the most infuriating trend in hollywood. There's already a format for episodic storytelling, it's called TV. Let's form our own Justice League and boycott these endless split-up and unsatisfying films.


I did this little guy a while back... ALIENBUSTERS.