
Amen, love the books, love the LOTR movies, DESPISE with a passion the Hobbit films. I've decided to be strong and resist even seeing the third in the theater.

"Aww, HELL no!"

Wow, you're a repulsive person. Congrats.

I will say this, Rust's epiphany in the hospital is not totally unreasonable. I had a health crisis last year and woke up in the hospital having a transformative moment where everything changed. I'm not saying that feeling lingered for too long...but it was there and the trauma of the experience triggered it. I

This is just an interface that appears IF you plug an iPhone in. The base UI is still functional for the car. I, personally, think it's great, letting software people handle software to replace the generally clunky in-house interfaces care companies come up with. Google is working on a similar thing.

In that case, I think you should avoid it. This tv show is already causing you too much stress. :)

It sometimes fools the copyright super-robots that troll YouTube looking for content to flag.

It's a very well-made and well-written show. Watch the first episode and see if it grabs you. What's the worst that could happen?

Something about the tone of this inspires geek rage... I think it's the oh-so-clever "this is real" vibe. I don't know. Someone help me out here. Why do I not like this? #crowdsourcing

I'm surprised you think it's garbage. I think it's a step in the right direction. We carry these devices around with us everywhere. Be it iOS or Android, it's great to let the software makers make the software, and the car makers make the cars. Current in-house car UI's are pretty terrible to date. This puts what's in

I think this will be great. All my behavior in my car already flows through my iPhone, it will be nice to have it fully intergrated. "Launch Snapchat..." (???)

They're the best! THE BEST!

Anyone who writes "Muppets are the worst" MUST be trolling, right? RIGHT?! I mean, "the worst"? You're saying the happiest funniest puppets in the history of the world are worse than cancer?

Here's the deal, they can have their law if it applies to the ENTIRE Bible. So let's see more businesses refusing menstruating women, those wearing mixed-fabrics, adulterers, shrimp and pork eaters, AND ramping up the stonings in general. Done!

Not a good read, no. It's an apology for an extremist law. Did you read the parsing of the language in there? It's absurd. This "may" be that, this "could" mean this. It's a horrible bill and should be vetoed. It widens the doorway to discrimination in the state, while strengthening it with a legal and supposedly

Hardly. The investigating officers found no credible evidence against Allen and believed Dylan was coached by Mia Farrow. Woody Allen was not charged, and therefore not convicted, of any wrong-doing. Very trite and easy to call it victim-blaming. That sure sounds forceful and brave, but not if the "facts" have been

Ah, so so easy to trot that out. You might find this an interesting read:

Poor poor Apollo. There's absolutely nothing that could make his character interesting...not even a fat suit. I partly blame his scripting BUT also the actor. It's hard to love someone so wooden. That said, the obvious relationship to keep exploring with him would have been Kara. That's one of the only things that

When I get nervous I tie my shoes.