
Yeah, I never realized people hated it until the internets got a hold of the idea, then, as often happens, it went nuclear. The voice never bothered me. Now Bane's voice...that's another matter...

I sort of think the wallpapers you picked would make any OS look ugly. Let's get some feng shui up in here, dammit!

I'm not sure why anyone would be annoyed by the features listed in the article. I think they'll all obvious improvements. Weird.

Or because it's simply a quality product. The whims of cool kids will come and go, but I think Apple reliably makes solid products. Maybe not to your personal liking, but high quality all the same. And hell, what are they NOT supposed to market it in compelling way so that no none wants it, cool or not? Like any

Call me an old softy, and one who's been through therapy, but man, that scene = waterworks. :(

I'm hoping his last act of redemption will be to save Jesse. I think Jesse will be the last man standing. I hope so. Jesse has suffered the emotional toll for both himself AND Walt, since Walt is incapable of remorse.

Also, to say she fucked Ted as a reason to hate her... by the time she had done that Walt had already killed, what, three people? Murder, folks. And he had lied monstrously to his family. PLUS the toll that his meth took on all the addicts out there. It was fun to root for the anti-hero for a while but not anymore...

I didn't realize there was so much Skyler hate until recently and am always shocked by it. Walt is a monster. Period. He has been one for quite some time. Rooting for him at this point is insane. Skyler, while far from moral herself, still has the high ground. And, lest we forget, all of her worry and nagging and

Wait, you're saying Siri doesn't take voice commands? I'm not sure what you're saying...

Are you talking about iWork? They'll be free apps you can download from the store. No codes necessary. As for the gold master, I downloaded it today as a dev. It will be OTA for everyone on Sept. 18th.

Hmmm. I think you're missing the bigger picture. What if you could log in, not only to your phone, but multiple apps and websites by just using your fingerprint, no more passwords and usernames, and certainly better security for making purchases with your phone. Or set up a new device with just your fingerprint and it

Haha. I love that no matter WHAT Apple does, they're apparently non-innovating losers. They haven't earned even a small degree of respect for reinventing the smartphone?! And hell, what's wrong with some colors, they've been doing that since the iPod days.

Lots of phones are plastic and not considered cheap or ugly. These look like a simple but nice design and I'm sure the build quality will be good. Heck, the iPhone 3G was plastic and that was a good product.

I think your point is subjective. That first phone was solid, in fact most people felt it was too heavy being that the back was made from one piece of aluminum. Don't know how that's cheap or toy-like. To each his own, I guess.

The first iPhone was made of metal. It had a small plastic bottom for the wifi.

I love the adorably tired Apple quips people are still making. Bless.

Crummy build? Really? There's a lot you can say about Apple, but I wouldn't think that would apply. My Apple products have always been rock solid and have outlasted competitors products. Other companies high-end products are made out of plastic, from laptops to cell phones.

I don't see it that way. Currently Apple keeps last year's model around for $99. I think this move would mean those old phones would be discontinued in place of the lower cost iPhone. If anything this will help unify the line-up. Right now there's the 5 and the 4S which have different screen sizes which adds

Yeah, got to jump in as well and repeat what others have said. The Dark Knight Returns is one of the best comic books ever written. Go check it out. They say the movie will be based on it...we'll see what that translates to.