
Exodus part 2 was really the end for me, a triumphant battle and a clean shaven Adama. Perfection!

Yeah, I'm steaming 1080p with 5.1 sound from my ps3 with no problem. Also, when was the last time you used Netflix?

I...I'm just saying, can't we give each other break? It's not a federal offense, is it? Or...IS IT?! I'd better check wikipedia...

Seems like a harsh response. Take some deep relaxing breaths.

The best recent "fairy tale" I can think of on screen was the Deathly Hallows animation sequence in Harry Potter.

Did anyone say, "beam me up!" yet. I mean, I'll totally say it if no one else has. Seems like the perfect time and place for it. I...I'm excited by this movie.

Actually, not true. My iPhone 4 was damn near indestructible, and made of glass and metal. It looked brand-new 2 years later when I got the 5. The 5 doesn't scratch on the back at all, if anything a VERY thin part of the sides are prone to scratching. Besides Samsungs never do well in any sort of drop test. Just a

Depending on when you watched Alien, I'd give it another shot. It's amazing and grows better with each viewing. And certainly watch Aliens. It's a sci-fi action masterpiece by James Cameron.

Oh yeah?

Punch? Maybe not, but some good Tyrion-esque bitch-slapping? Why not...

I don't know, my friend, I'd say the tiananmen square photo is pretty damned important and deserving of fame. Though floaty fish are nice too...

Well tarnation, I think the GrandPre covers are great. Her style was unique. Kabuishi's cover looks great as well.

Shallow AND pedantic? It's shallow and makes a show of its knowledge?

How is this not a good thing?! In fact, I'm impressed they didn't immediately damn video games, which have always been an easy target for politicians. Biden went so far as to say there's no evidence they cause violence. I think they're taking a pretty balanced approach.

Heartbreaking. Glad he had some enjoyment at the end.

I hope they make the Prancing Pony too, so we can meet Butterbur in person...and all yell at Nob, that GOD DAMNED SLOW COACH!

It's all about X2, my friend. It's the only good one, despite the fact that Fassbender is excellent as Magneto.

I think it was more that so many pundits were predicting it was a tie OR that Romney was going to win...and Silver, steadfastly, was saying the numbers don't lie. So rather than being about a candidate, it was the fact that his opinion was in the minority but was ultimately correct.