Not him, but one of my other former-hippie teachers.
Not him, but one of my other former-hippie teachers.
So exactly how much time has Marjorie Taylor Greene spent in space?
I had a teacher in HS that told us “one day, the government is going to plant a chip in your head and be able to track everything you do.”
I appreciate the fact that my car looks like it’s gone 15 rounds with Evander Holyfield and keeps going like the Energizer bunny:
I had a ‘66 convertible at one time. Could pass anything except a gas station.
“Hey honey, I need your signature on these papers so we can take out a second mortgage on the house. I finally found that ‘63 split-window coupe I’ve always wanted....
Pontiac Bonneville:
My sister use to fly to Spokane to go skiing; IIRC she spent some time at a resort in Idaho.
Actually, yes; but generally you’re better off flying into Spokane and driving. Weather permitting, of course.
All these sellers need to get a grip: the pandemic days of outrageous used vehicle prices are over.
This just happened to me a few months ago.
The original Lexus LS400
True dat. If i don’t see my handle on an AOTD at least once a week, i become depressed and start questioning my life choices.
My office is right below the landing pattern for Runway 26L for ATL. My car’s finish is being ruined by jet fuel.
I got Cyberstruck at Zaxby’s a few weeks ago
Maine? Not Florida?
Not to mention that wormwood is an herb, not a worm, which greatly disappointed me when I tried Absinthe the first time.
And ringworm, which is actually a fungus.
Fly larvae are not worms....