Holy Art Deco, Batman!
Holy Art Deco, Batman!
For me, always wanting the latest and greatest...
And at the end of the day, the consumer/taxpayer foots the bill and the lawyers get rich(er).
My first thought is a 1961-69 Lincoln Continental, but that’s already been done, sometimes better than others.
i knew what the little triangles were for, before it was cool to know...
Sometime around my 40th birthday, I got it into my head that I wanted a motorcycle, even though I hadn’t ridden in 15 years. So off to the local H-D dealer I go and immediately fall in love with the nearly $25,000.00 Fat Boy on the showroom floor.
So, a lot of cursing, crying, pleading to saints, threats, breaking of dishes and possibly gunshots?
You obviously didn’t grow up in the ‘60s.
The name of the product might call to mind images of an enormous strip of meat cut lengthwise from a pepperoni log, like a protein-rich Fruit By The Foot,
I’m surprised he didn’t call her ‘sweetheart’ and then ask her to bring him a Scotch and water.
The QOTD was “Driven exclusively by idiots” not “Designed exclusively by Idiots”
Range Rover Sport
Definitely not a GoodYear for Boeing aircraft.
Continental Mark V
It’s somehow cross-eyed and bucktoothed.
1959 Dodge. Looks like an angry girl with braces.
Meh, Eagles fans throw D-Cell batteries.
2009 Mazda 5.
i used to love Cracklin’ Oat Bran, until I read the side panel and saw the fat and sugar content made it only slightly healthier than mainlining Sugar Smacks.
The 2nd generation Dodge Charger