Eartha Kittenheels

Sports aren’t separated by “gender.” It’s separated by sex. There is nothing wrong with admitting that men and women’s bodies are built differently. All it takes is a look at records to see the difference between men and women’s sports.

Who is killing black trans women? Men are killing trans women. Those same men are killing women because of our sex. Yet, you all are targeting women. Have you read the comments in this post? Ask yourself why people are targeting “Terfs” with gun threats and not the actual murderers.

I agree with you, sis. Jezebel and its commentors have long demonstrated that they do not give a damn about women, especially poor women. I’m also a black women that is SICK of trans rights activist comparing black women to trans women (the “if black women are women, trans women are women” bullshit that always comes

So this person posts a tweet that promotes violence against women (b/c “Terfs” are women) and we are supposed to feel sympathy? I’m glad twitter is doing something (not much) about violence directed towards women. You should really look into the “punch a terf” rhetoric that has been running wild on Twitter. I know a

These absolutely homophobic replies you are getting is beyond disgusting. Telling lesbians that they should be open to penis is what passes for lgtb rights nowadays. Unbelievable. A lesbian is a homoSEXual. They are attracted to the female sex. They do not need to “examine their preferences”. They do not have to

Close the book and put it on the shelf ‘cause the truth was just read.


I’m glad you mentioned the colorism in the show. I wasn’t going to watch it anyway because it looks painfully unfunny (and, I can only do laugh tracks when I’m watching shows made before 2000). But, the little promo I saw had me thinking, “Here we go again. The black(ish) female love interest is lighter than the black

This is me exactly. Right down to Mad Men being the last white-centric show I watched. And, Downton Abbey.

Damn! You have just written my exact thoughts. Thank you for this.

Yup. The topic of colorism has been explained up and down in the comments (and previous articles). And, some people still want to play “ignorant.” I think we know why. You and a few other commentors have the patience of Saints. ‘Cause when I saw this article pop up, I hit the X on my tab. I just knew the comments

You are doing the lord’s work in these comments.

What exactly are you arguing? My comment simply states that if a major celebrity, like Beyonce, feels uncomfortable about what they are asked to do, they have the power to veto it. Especially when it comes to something that can be seen as offensive.

Come on now. You really think Beyonce, of all artists, has no say over what she will wear/do in a music video?

Say it! You and Babygotfront are dropping nothing but truth. I was going to write a long ass post on how white women close their eyes to misogynoir committed by black men that put white women on pedestals. But I think you covered it perfectly.

The need to keep that perception of perfection is the precise reason she no longer does interviews that are not pre-recorded/scripted. She doesn’t want to shatter her brand of unattainable perfection.

Wanted to post that I agree with everything you’ve been saying in this post. Focusing so hard on individual empowerment is so myopic. You would think with so much alleged agency and empowerment female musicians have in the music industry that women would be the majority of people creating the look/sound of music.

This beautiful comment. All that needs to be said about this situation. Two wealthy, privileged women only speaking on feminism/racism when it directly effects them. Gimme a jersey for #teamnobody.

LOL, we are probably around the same age, so I know what you are talking about! We had a great collection of strong and distinct voices. Don’t even get me started on Chaka and Gladys. Yes, we had some badasses. And, so many of those women would not even get an audition nowadays b/c they don’t fall into the very narrow

Yes to everything! I’ve pretty much had to stop reading black feminist blogs because they have become stan sites. The celeb worship pervading online feminist websites has been so damaging. We can no longer do good critiques of pop culture because stans are jumping in screaming “YASSS SLAY QUEEN” and shutting down the