
And it’s not like incarcerating too few people is a national problem.

I don’t think anyone knows.

This practice is horrible. Once a criminal sentence has been served, the offender should be released. It’s the responsibility of the prosecutor and the judge to determine sentences. They have the option of punishing offenders harshly or sending them for treatment in a mental facility. But if they don’t do that,

But better yet, stop categorizing people who commit petty crimes against public decency, as sex offenders. The requirement to register as a sex offender or for that matter to disclose felonies to employers should have an expiration date following a reasonable time with no offenses.

I think his whole existence is a f u to the universe.

I wouldn’t include her. She desperately struggled to say things that were the right degree of ugly and nonsense, to transport her to the state of being a Michelle Malkin or Ann Coulter. She failed every time she opened her overexcited and self important mouth. A wannabe.

I think there are lots of bad writers and even worse thinkers. The statement seems sloppily ambiguous, as though the author isn’t really sure.

He can wink at me any day of the week and twice on Sundays.

When I ask my Mother how she is, she has replied that she wants to kill herself for the last three years. Bah Humbug indeed.

Me. I got a loaf of bread and fed a bunch of seagulls and geese while the sun set. That seemed right.

Talking about politics this holiday season is more rude than discussing your digestion.

Yep, it’s fun to be the smartest kid in your class. Sadly, things catch up with you by junior high, when nobody cares if you are smart.

And murdering themselves. It can also be catastrophic for a driver to suddenly hit 450 of reindeer. Used to live in the Catskills and a friend on a motorcycle collided with a deer who jumped in front of him. Lucky not to have broken his neck.

A&E does it’s best to produce cheap cheap shows without production values.

My favorite story about this Nancy Boy is when he told the world that he encountered a man in a public bathroom who had the poor taste to make a pass at him. So Tucker goes home, recruits a friend, and they both return to the bathroom and beat the man up. He has repeatedly told this story in public. Nancy Boy

I can’t look at him without thinking of bad digestion.

JS describes exactly the what eventually led to the election of DT. Could not have been more clear. A downright evil media that loves fighting, ugliness, discord, anger, hate. And doesn’t report upon it, but produces it. That has no sense of integrity or responsibility. Crossfire was exactly the kind of format

Carlson is nothing, nothing, nothing.

Best moment is at 3.19. Keystone cop steps on banana peel and fall upon his ass.

In the bad old days, American ethnic hatred was at least somewhat based upon harsh economics. As each new wave of ethnic immigrants hit the Lower East Side, they were despised  because they threatened the previous wave, which had just gained some kind of toe hold after horrible, horrible, suffering. Recent