
In Bangkok outside the downtown Pasteur Institute there’s a series of raised walkways over vast pits of cobras, (memory fades but maybe a couple thousand sq ft) who look kind of small and harmless, just lolling around, hoods down. I always thought it would make for an operatic, epic level, suicide to hop on down,

I think the story is super duper. It’s how things happen in real time, banal, silly, mixed up.

Jackie had the appropriate response to Last Year at Marienbad.

I was recently in a situation where I teased one of the kindest and most competent women I know, (but who apologizes way too much when she makes the simplest request), by sarcastically saying during one of her apologies, “damn right, you’re such a total Nazi, I don’t know how anybody can work with you”. Word of this

About Man Periods.

Absolute blabbermouths. I used to volunteer in the county jail, and came to realize that because there is nothing else to do, inmates become endless storytellers and phantabulists. I learned to stop up my ears and run whenever a guy began a sentence with, “Man, I was so freaking high, and then I took some...”

About Kloe’s niceness, I wonder how it felt to the Food Bank’s clients, to be surrounded by photographers, invading whatever personal dignity they had mustered up, while waiting in line, for food, because they don’t have any.

What’s not to love in this story?

A friend decided to do a Walden Pond and move from Manhattan to the sticks. The economy in the county where he moved was horrible, and the only job he could get was as a school bus driver, at minimum wage. He almost had a nervous breakdown as a result. The children were horribly out of control and tortured him

A friend decided to do a Walden Pond and move from Manhattan to the sticks. The economy in the county where he moved was horrible, and the only job he could get was as a school bus driver, at minimum wage. He almost had a nervous breakdown as a result. He had no experience with children, who were horribly out of

Probably supposed to be witty, like Memphis Milano naming their jewelry design ACME.

Gays have been in fashion over the last decade or so. Some of us are celebrated athletes, movie stars, popular singers. But people need to realize how tenuous and fragile the current tolerance is. Only in 2003, 13 years in my 62 year life, was it made my legal right to travel anywhere in the country and make love

Friend of mine spray painted lime green peace signs on her cheater’s car.

Re Kardashian and Kardashian impersonator, a favorite NYC club memory was at Area in the 80s. There was a benefit with a lot of female impersonators walking a runway stage and in the middle of it Cindy Crawford appeared as Cindy Crawford in drag. Took a couple minutes for the crowd to get it.

Mean snakes! Who knew?

A dinner fork should do.

The Zefferelli version has done the same since 1967, beautiful and talented young actors, convincingly horny. Excellent direction, sets, costumes, and the rest of it. Plus a very pretty scene featuring Leonard Whiting’s exciting rear end, and a flash of Olivia Hussey’s breasts, the first such nudity I’d seen on film

But why is there nothing about the Roach Motel method?

No, I’m not happy! Nobody gave me any Kool Aid. Not fair!! Waaa Waaa!!

I would say the distinction is between those who do so for a good and special reason, and those who do it as a matter of style. I went on a blind date recently with a man who inhaled sharply and loudly through his nose about every 90 seconds, as though he was clearing his nasal passages of snot. I suppose that if