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    My and friend and I were talking and came to a conclusion. We think that you could play the episodes in any order and for the most part, you wouldn't notice a thing.

    You won't understand life until you see it.

    Um…. What is the Khazar Hypothesis? Are you (and others) saying that there was never a Khazarian Empire? Or that the ruling class (at least) wasn't Jewish?

    yes, but it seems like her character is now just some cookie way off kilter lady who says random shit and plays the Theremin (or whatever it's called). Even if the show wasn't shit but Myrtle was still the same, I'd have a problem with her because her character is weird for the sake of weird. Every time I see Conroy

    Well, when she did that , I was like "oh. Okay. She's gonna try and recreate acid being thrown on face and that alligator mud poop will make sure she doesn't get too damaged. Or something." And then I saw those glorious hedge trimmers and I figured out Cordelia was going with the old fashion 'Stab your eyes out'

    Interesting question. Won't be addressed.

    I know. I thought Hanks Dad/Delphi Leader's last words were gonna be something about "I'm the only reason you too are allies now" or something. And leave the episode as a cliff hanger. But I'm glad that didn't happen. The writers of this show clearly know what they're doing.

    Agreed. They need to add stakes. Like Zoe earnestly tries, but is the most naïve. Nan would be a good Supreme but is easily outwitted by the more savvy Madison who will do anything to be Supreme. Queenie can just hate everyone because she has been tormented her whole life. And when Lange kills Madison they could

    I didn't even notice that! I just figured that once Danny Huston was in on it, that they'd somehow bribed all the guards. But I guess that would require the time to explain that situation and we wouldn't want that…

    Hank will come back.

    See, I think that's just a spin. I don't think she cares about the coven, I just think she wants to be relevant again.

    Maybe it's a metaphor for the audience just not actually analyzing the show and instead hoping it will be good even though there is no logical evidence to assume so.

    I was cringing. Not a big fan of torture.

    I liked how they tried to make that scene dramatic when everyone knew that she was going to remove her eyes (I actually thought she would spoon them out or use the grape thing that Myrtle originally used). I did laugh when she did it though because she did it in the most brutal, uncivilized and painful method

    So you're telling me, that the Khazar Empire was formed when a whole bunch of Jews went up and moved to the Caucasus Mountains and formed an empire that lasted 300 years? You think that all Jews are descended from a small population of Semitic peoples that spans 3000 years?

    I have no idea who that is and I extremely doubt that most people do.

    No. Too much ridiculous shit happens in a 45 minute episode for you too care. I mean, this episode saw the Delphi dudes murdered by the Axeman, Cordelia sheer out her eyes, Spalding get a real baby doll, Kathy Bates try to Angela Bassett with Benedrill, oh! She also disemboweled a gardner in the beginning!! I almost

    Maybe Papa Legba is the Supreme?

    The Minotaur is the next surpreme