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    At that point in time, yes. But Overall, everyone who stuck around with Nancy throughout the 8 seasons benefitted minus Shane. Silas wouldn't have done shit. Nancy couldn't/didn't want too (was too lazy) to find work, Andy was a fuckup and though Doug was city councilman, he definitely got an upgrade as a cult

    The death of Basil II/reconquest of Bulgaria. The Deposition of Romanos. Isaakios (?) Komnenos getting elected and perhaps paving the way for Alexios to get elected. Idk, possible thoughts.

    Or the election of Alexios. Komnenian restoration ftw!

    The only reason this country exists is because of traitors against the British crown.

    I was rooting for Lester because I was impressed with how he had extricated himself from everything (though Bill helped out a lot), but Lester was clever to plant all the evidence and whatnot. But then he tried to cheat on his wife and then sent her to her death. She was basically a puppy dog, blindly and loyally

    Roose Bolton's a better dad than Malvo.

    Well, if you don't learn how to play the game, then you die like Ned.

    Ned. Eddard. I'm pretty sure someone calls him "Neddard", but if not, chalk it up to a clever (or not) creation of my own.

    Well yea, but Jon, Yggritt and company got over by themselves without any watchman noticing them and, so surely 100,000 people could get over (though they would obviously be noticed).

    Damn. Does that number correspond to the book? Also, is he over exaggerating? I mean, he doesn't need a pincer attack from the south with 100k men. Doesn't the wall have like a thousand soldiers? And that was before all those crows died at the old incest guys hut.

    Preface: I'm only about 3/4s of the way through with the second book. After Neddard dies and the fallout from, I'm pretty sure Sansa is the main (along with Tyrion of course) viewpoint to the comings and goings of Kings Landing. Joffrey, Cersei, Littlefinger, Varys, Pycell, none of them have character perspectives


    I agree. I would have preferred for her to not have that naivety (Arya would not have done the same thing) but that was part of her character. She's steadily moving beyond it now. I mostly hated (despised, loathed) her because of her hero worship of Joffrey. The thing about Nymeria/Bakers Boy was a response DTH who

    Just to clarify; do you find either (or both) of my feminist sentences to be offensive or distasteful? Moreover, what exactly are you going to warn the patriarchy of exactly?

    Well, okay, but geographically it's based off of GB minus Ireland.

    Again, I agree. I understand her purpose as a literary tool to demonstrate the sexism that exists in Westeros. I just didn't like her in season one. She was better in season two, three and all the more so in four. For this I am glad. I don't forsee her becoming a major character because of where she is at, but

    Arya was shooting bows and arrows in episode one however and was interested in sword play with the bakers boy prior to her getting any instructor help though.

    She's smart-er than most other noble princesses. But she got hit a few times for speaking against the king. I think her 'mouth-shutting' if you will, was more learned Pavlov style than inductive reasoning on her part. Also, Joffrey's a complete idiot. What she did was clearly a ploy that would work only on someone

    Well, yes in-universe. But Martin created her character in the first place in order to give us some insight into the happenings of Kings Landing.

    That's why I love Game of Thrones! It's not just massive LoTR style battles. There's politics/intrigue/backstabbing/etc involved. I understand Sansa's purpose. It's to show the typical female noble mentality and that underlies just how different the females who differ from that are (Arya, Brienne, Cersei). I would