This season died a while ago.
This season died a while ago.
Agree with you and so much more!!!! Why's Queenie a bitch now too?
You know, I slept last night and only just finished it on Megashare. I didn't miss anything worth seeing. I mean, this episode was like a really really bad B-horror movie. Especially with the Axeman part. I mean, wow.
Her conversation with Zoe was terrible. Something about her ex-boyfriend leaving her for someone who created the greatest thing in the 20th century. And ants. She was so ridiculously over-the-top. Her character exists solely to have quirky dialogue. Even if (when) it doesn't make sense.
Ohmygod, this was easily the worst episode yet. It was so bad. Particularly the end. I laughed when Cordelia stabbed her eyes out and then when the Axeman started killing everyone. But the best (and I mean worst) was the Zoe-Myrtle scene. It was just so shockingly bad.
Well yeah, but that's not racial. Some people (the Nazis) may have claimed that Jewish blood was 'impure' and of an 'inferior' race, but realistically, they were in fact likely the same race/ethnic group.
Maybe venerated is too strong. I know in my school they omitted his atrocities towards Native Americans and solely focused on his heroic last stand. Is this atypical?
Uh. Yea!! Hate the commie government!! On a serious note tho, I don't think there's actually a thousand years of hate between Jews and Arabs. I'm pretty sure most, if not all, Jews converted to Islam by the time Israel came around. I know that Hebrew is the only language to ever be successfully revived after having…
Ope! Sorry. Meant to say that if the Africans involved in the slave trade were mostly Western Africans, then why not say that? And then I put down my parenthesis about the fact that I bet most people do not in fact, know that most of the African slaves were in fact, from Western Africa.
There were Russian Jews, Polish Jews, Greek Jews. I'm sure every non-micronation has had Jews at some point (in Europe that is), but that doesn't mean all those countries' Jews were ethnically Jewish. I mean, I'm Scots-Irish and German-Polish. So if I convert to Judaism, am I suddenly a ethnically Jewish?
If that's the case, then why specify it (because most people don't know that). Those types of generalities are very annoying and more importantly, incorrect. Also, the precise number of deaths is important. I can have all the intent in the world to brutally murder every money grabbing Jew out there, but until I do,…
Hmm. Eh. Maybs. I guess the term just sounds a little preposterous to me. It's like saying African slavery, when in reality it was really mostly West Africans or one time I was talking to a person about the Roman Empire and he said "didn't they conquer all of Europe?" I mean, I give him credit for knowing that…
Lies! We saved Europe in WWI and WWII and later on we saved Europe from communism cuz communism is the worst thing ever!!!
I completely agree. Isn't Custer still by and large venerated for his last stand?
I was simply disagreeing with Douay in that he said (paraphrase): Jews were genocided and genocide involves race. I would disagree with that. The many pogroms throughout history involving religiously Jewish but "racially" European people would support me I think. Unless of course Jews are a racial group.
That really sucks, I'm disappointed people still have that ultra-nationalist outlook. Instead moving the entire Carniola province into Slovenia, couldn't they just transfer counties that have 60/70/80% plus population of Slovenians in them?
That's what I was thinking.
I know the monarchists would've been against it, I meant would the average Austrian been looking at the Anschluss as a way to get back to the good ol' days of power, but I think you answered that for me thanks. Also, another question completely unrelated to the original. How do Austrians feel about the Slovenes. …
Here's more of a direct reply. One: I didn't know us 'Murican's hated the germans. I mean, it's the single largest ethnic group in America. I thought we hated the French. For some reason… Also, yeah, Muricans are stupid (and that's really giving them the benefit of the doubt) especially when it comes to their…
This won't directly answer your question, but let's play oddsmakers right now. What is more likely; that all 100% (many millions) german wehrmacht, SS, Luftwaffe, etc soldiers knew. Or that there was just one, just one soldier somewhere that did not "know" of the atrocities. We are both using conjecture here…