
Absolutely. There are certainly perennial, traditional names that surge cyclically in popularity. As I said elsewhere I love the tradition of family names. There are also trends in re-purposed and novel names that may or may not be repeated through generations. I’m kind of just bitching about a particular trend of the

My boyfriend as a surname as is first name, and unfortunately, a surname that could easily be a first name. It’s a pain in the ass- he’s constantly getting mail with the wrong name on it.

I think the resurgence of the tradition of naming babies after relatives is lovely. Random old-timey names for their own sake? Eh, not my taste.

I know a lot of old men either named Douglas or James, no women of any age with those names.

Facing a pregnancy caused by rape is a difficult and painful situation. But abortion increases physical and emotional harm to a woman and adds another victim to an already terrible crime.

I love this one;

That passage could so easily apply to christians that it reads like trolling satire. I guess they don’t teach irony in medical school.

He cuuuute.

Congratulations! I’m slightly jealous- not of the kids exactly, as I’m happy as an aunt- but of the naming opportunities they afford. I’ve always kept a long list of names I like, mostly for writing fiction. You’ve chosen two solid names, you’ll come up with a third. If you’re drawing a blank, start watching movie

It’s a pretty good dog’s name.

No way this dude was a baby. I feel like he sprung forth fully formed, smoking his pipe and wearing his denim coveralls, scowling silently at the doctor.

By the time these babies apply for jobs, we will have gone through a period when you can’t tell a person’s gender by their name, since the last-names-as-first names trend is well established with older kids. So, hopefully that will be a moot issue by then?

He has a face like a weathered boot and he speaks in one word sentences, so I picture him maybe more of an extra from No Country for Old Men than sitcom star.

I guess so. I’d like to think if I were her I’d thank them for their “concern” and promptly throw the treadmill off the roof, but that’s easy for me to say.

My neighbor’s name is Arlo. He’s a 70 year old Swiss man who sells tractors. I think it’s perfectly appropriate for an old man or an insurance company, not so much for a baby. I don’t like name trends, especially this one of naming everyone an old man’s name. It’s going to peak and die quickly, so there’ll be 4 years

But the story gets worse, Parker admitted to running on that treadmill over and over to one single song: C+C Music Factory’s Everybody Dance Now.

This is the problem;

Folks in my town started a Welcome Wagon; a group of volunteers who help people who are new in the area to find resources, orient themselves to the community, and meet people. They do everything from providing a welcome gift basket to introducing them to neighbors and community organizations, to helping with their

DEAL. This whole thread is making my morning toast seem insufficient. Fuck it Tina; I’m making pan fritters and salsa verde!

Oh! I’ve been cooking from our farmers market haul all day!