Holy shit.
Holy shit.
Call me cynical, but I think the chances of this pile of garbage showing up to court to face these charges are slim to none. He’s probably already gone. He’ll be staying at the Italian villa from now on, or their estate in Thailand or wherever.
I think the point is that there are too many billions of us for eating endangered apex predators to be socially acceptable. It’s morally offensive to those who’s worldviews include basic respect for our environment. If everyone did what you did all the sharks would already be extinct.
Well, as a society we give male hysterical violence a pass because they can’t control their feelings; we don’t teach them how. That sounds like the legal extension of this trope. As a woman, a Canadian and a survivor of such violence, I find it viscerally upsetting to hear these details about our legal system. Then…
on the day she was murdered, she saw this guy walking up to her house and told her son to run.
Are you me? I also panicked when Bonne Belle was sold and bought out several stores, lol. I don’t wear any other make-up either, and I will literally cry when I can’t get it anymore.
I’ve been a faithful user addict of Dr. Pepper Lipsmackers for 21 years. I have a 7 year stockpile just in case they discontinue it. I’m glad they’re dirt-cheap but I’d pay a fortune because nothing else looks/feels/tastes/smells right to me. Lipstick flavored lipstick? Fuck that.
I ship it.
Is Azealia Banks just always looking for a fight?
The tears in that video? Tears of joy at the attention.
Yes, I agree. Those things don’t bias anyone, they help the victim, and they should be universally available. I was referring to the attitude of those investigating and prosecuting; they have to make a judgement call on whether the victim is believable relative to the cost of prosecution.
No, they said what they meant. Your interpretation is kooky. “Healthier” here means socially, not physically.
from the position of the victim, that verification is indistinguishable from interrogation. I suppose there’s no way around it, since people get so disproportionately hysterical about false accusations.
A full and interesting life?
Pretty sure they meant it’s healthier to show a variety of bodies, not that unattractive bodies are healthier.
She is loving all this feigned martyrdom. Such a self-absorbed asshole.
I don’t know where that space is, or if it exists. As a LEO or a prosecutor, you either start with a trust or a suspicion of the victim. I think it would be nice if these people could stay objective, agnostic, and follow the evidence, but I don’t know if that’s even practically possible in the real world.
That’s such a tough call though. At 13 she should have agency in the decision to go to trial or not but not necessarily authority over sentencing. I speak as a victim who as changed her mind about the cost benefit analysis of my own trial now that I’m older. The sentence should fit the crime, not be based on how…
Polanski’s lawyers stressed that 42 days he spent in jail, and the fact that he pled guilty. Polanski fled the United States after a plea deal he’d made with the judge was leaked to the press and he feared it wouldn’t be honored. But his lawyers, the Reporter says, argued that his jail stint meant “that justice had…