Early Discloser

Hm. It's almost as though this whole concept is fucking stupid. 

i hope he still comes back for the occasional one-off.

You call him “Little Larry”? Or are you talking about his piece?

Thanks for a solid observation and take. We only get recaps on the AV Club reviews now. Miss the insight.

You left out the best line:

The key toss was very funny.

The final shot of the seven of them arguing manners was exactly the right way to end it and how I want to imagine them forever.

‘It really goes to show you how important Oxygen is”

I lurk as much as any reader? I think you make my point precisely by describing the lowering of expectations of public figures, including cultural, accomplished by former President Trump as “irrelevant” to a discussion of their work.

‘Amnesia’ was manifestly evident in someone’s decision to have him present a SAG award to the predominantly Asian cast of Everything, Everywhere...

Ah, Mark Wahlberg. Poster boy for our amnesiac, peri-Trump pop culture.

I don’t think it’s supposed to be so strong that you hate the creators. A Pavlovian aversion to a face after an outstanding performance, sure. But surely you understood that it was fiction and aren’t surprised that Rappaport is still alive and didn’t go to prison for killing people on a college campus. These people

I would personally add the restaurant season. The final scene with everyone yelling out various obscenities is one of my favorite moments of the series. 

54 year old white male, huge sci-fi fan since I saw Star Wars in theater as a kid. I enjoyed Barbie more than Rebel Moon. Sorry, not sorry.

You think Larry deserves to be murdered?! I’ve always seen his character as someone, to his own detriment. who would rather be right than happy. If you really, honestly, look at LD’s position in the shows, he’s usually technically correct. It’s just that normal people would let it go just to get along. Larry will die

NOTHING will ever make me appreciate Chuck Lorre. He's a hack.

In the words of Raylan Givens, if you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. You run into assholes all day, you’re the asshole.

I’m not here to argue this was a classic, but this grade is a bit too rough.

Shut up, Wesley!

Video games are still very young, but already, I fear we’re in danger—not of losing access to early games, but of losing the stories and perspectives that can illuminate what makes them so influential and exciting.