Do the math. Once it’s released, the story ends.
Do the math. Once it’s released, the story ends.
I thought the Critic was quite underrated. It’s amazing to me that the same Matt Groening who thought it crossing over with the Simpsons somehow undermined his show’s integrity, was positively enthusiastic about his characters crossing over with Family Guy. (Even if it was much later and both show are terrible now).
I love King of the Hill but I wouldn’t have brought it back, given I think it went out on a high and given the deaths of Brittany Murphy (and latterly, Johnny Hardwick in particular). I see Bob’s Burgers as King of the Hill’s spiritual successor and I wonder if the new KotH can be that good.
I liked the twist. I'd like to see a bit more of the alien planet in S2 but I don't think we will. I'll be watching, regardless.
That's not how quotation marks work, friend. The thing inside them has to be the thing the person actually said.
Yeah, probably. I’m surprised this is proving controversial. Is it worse not to have seen Apocalypse Now than Samurai Rebellion or M or God Told Me To? My girlfriend has seen the former as it was on her university syllabus but none of the latter three, which to my mind, are amazing. Hey, who cares?
Maybe you just don't know enough about him. He likes killing animals on film. This also happened in Cannibal Holocaust. Connection established.
Because the world needs more grimdark.
I like how you implied I, by way of my reasons for my actions, was stupid. I suppose we’ll both just have to somehow get on with our lives.
In your opinion, perhaps. However, I didn’t mention (since it wasn’t relevant) that I also have zero interest in the many films about what is referred to in your country as the Vietnam war. That’s another reason. There are so many amazing films in the world and I couldn’t possibly watch them all, but I will continue…
You may be right, though the Wikipedia article suggests to me that Coppola commissioned the slaughter after having seen it performed before.
Didn’t know that about Apocalypse Now, which I’ve never seen. I now will never see it. I am not a militant vegan (I’m pescatarian as it happens) but killing animals for entertainment really pisses me off.
Piers Morgan should not be platformed. We generally don't pay him any attention in the U.K.
I was so dismayed when Graham left Blur I never bought that album and I’ve never gone to it since, despite Graham himself enthusing about it.
Accepting that you’ll never agree with every choice in an arbitrary list... I disagree with some of your choices! But the only ones I feel worth a quibble are ‘Country House,’ which is a shit remake of ‘End of a Century,’ ‘There’s No Other Way,’ which is just shit (and if anything from ‘Leisure’ is essential it can’t…
They do it with the Sun as well. There's no telling them. It's just like how they continue to publish articles about the bloody royal family.
A show set in the U.K., written by someone from the U.K., using the language of the U.K., and the English is being criticised for being unintelligible by... an American? And by an arachnid no less! It’s spiders what can’t talk proper lingo, damnit.
Irony overload... irony overload...
Rosemary's Baby.