
Westen Champlin has a short attention span, is known for buying unsafe rigs, and has the benefit of having a whole garage team to help him fix the cars he breaks, so he’s not really a great example to follow. Because he is a YouTube personality and needs to continually produce engaging content, most of hist broken

Lol, not gonna happen as long as the Biden administration seeks to “accelerate the transition”.

A murder coverup makes no sense, you hide the victim’s body not their car.

Well duh. What do you expect when all the advertising for these cars emphasize the notion that drivers that buy smarter cars are smarter drivers? That inevitably leads to the dumb drivers using these features more often than they should, thinking it somehow improves their driving.

I’m pretty sure that getting Amazon Prime packages delivered 7 days a week via 40-ton long haul trucks does way more damage to the roadways than a small fleet of 3-ton batteries on wheels. These things won’t be seen in great quantities on the road because they’re unaffordable to most people, so I don’t see what the

Bad headline. There’s no tailpipe, looks like an EV to me.

This feature was a bad idea from the start and nobody in a position of decision making seemed to be able to stop it from going out to the public.

I don’t know about you, but in my experience it takes a lot of money to convert a road car into something that can handle some light trails, and boatloads more to make it durable for extreme events like rock crawling. It is not at all surprising that Kia would need to upgrade the whole line of Tellurides so they can

Actually I rather enjoy having some space behind my front seats. Extended cab or 4 door is the way, not going to shed a tear over this.

Bigger doesn’t necessarily mean more dangerous. A bigger vehicle can fit bigger tires and brakes, and have far more stopping power than teeny sedan wheels. A bigger vehicle can fit more cameras and pedestrian sensors in the front and sides, giving more ways to detect and react to collisions. A bigger vehicle can be

The reason we don’t see appliances still built by car manufacturers is because they moved manufacturing of them to China. Right now China alone makes up a whopping 1/3 of the world’s air conditioner exports. Cars are still built in America, but not all of the components, and there’s a good chance the air conditioners

Lol, the real problem has always been too many cars in urban centers. Build some trains and convert roads to cycling paths. And if your city isn’t willing to do that, move out.

Paint the rooftops of homes and buildings with this. Don’t waste it on planes and cars.

You can say the same about guys that drive luxury EVs. Nobody cares that your car looks like a spaceship, you’re still scuttling it around on terra forma and spending half of it waiting for stop lights to change.

Nowhere to charge EVs in most rural counties. And roads are really bad out in the sticks, so you need 4WD and a lift just to be able to go visit granny. The only EVs that can handle country living aren’t priced for country folk.

“Clearly the issue is that you’re holding it wrong.”

I predicted this sort of thing would happen the day it was announced. Why couldn’t Apple?

Neat-o. Is Uber going to pay to install the charging stations for their newly-decreed electric fleet?

Wind is created by the sun. The temperature differences between pockets of air cause them to move, creating wind. Wind is weaker at night because there are no sun rays to warm the air. That doesn’t mean there is no wind, but you need a minimum amount of air movement to turn a large turbine, and that’s harder to get at

I remember a time before China was in the WTO. When it was announced that China would join, we saw riots all over the streets of America. Turns out they were right to oppose it.