Every restaurant, even vegan restaurants, is participating in the slaughter and selling of animals. You can’t avoid it.
Every restaurant, even vegan restaurants, is participating in the slaughter and selling of animals. You can’t avoid it.
Just look at the nutritional content on one of the burgers. Here’s an example for Beyond Meat burgers: https://www.fatsecret.com/calories-nutrition/beyond-meat/the-beyond-burger
The filmmakers requested a sound for a specific scene in the new Avengers movie, a sound that actively supported the drama of the scene, including the gag when Tony Stark deliberately drove by.
in a few generations of the Mark II you were basically driving a four-door Supra
The thing that Warren doesn’t understand is that the reason why we don’t currently offer free college and debt forgiveness is because we are perpetually at war. Money that should have gone toward investing in our people instead has been going toward the overseas conflicts, and I doubt that we could make any meaningful…
I’ve heard people say the same thing about any of my side hobbies/obsessions.
The OG Insight did it better. Fight me.
Remember ~20 years ago when Toyota inspired a trend to install garish chrome, circular tail lights on everything?
Attacking food labeling is just another way to try to prevent veganism from taking hold among the general population.
You just described something called “cottage cheesecake”, not the New York cheesecake that this recipe aims to recreate.
Okay listen up. Words have multiple meanings, and you’re not the supreme commander of what meanings we should allow.
Not to sound like a dick, but who could blame Pelosi for acting this way?
One thing you’ll notice if you’ve ever been to Japan is that most cars are clean on the inside. People generally don’t like to eat and drink while in motion, it’s seen as disgusting and rude. You’re expected to be sitting at home or in a cafeteria/restaurant during meal times in Japan.
Second-grade produce goes to food service, lower-end groceries, food banks — and, now, ugly-produce vendors
The biggest problem with reliance on all these cameras and screens is that it gives automakers the freedom to reduce actual visibility inside of the cabin. As long as the electronics don’t fail it’s fine to rely upon them, but they will eventually wear out with age.
If you think quick pickles are neat, you should try lacto-fermentation. No vinegar, no heating, and no refrigeration necessary. Tastes better and is healthier, too. You can even sterilize them later for long term storage, same as you would with normal canning.
I wish vegans would stop pushing the “meat is murder” angle. Trying to change people on the grounds of morality never works because morality is subjective, and the average consumer never sets foot on a farm so they never have a connection to the animals they eat. Just to be able to feel remorse you either need to be a…
It hasn’t been a White Castle for nearly 40 years, that’s why you’ve never seen/heard about it. And they probably closed up shop for good reason, it looks like a low income area from the state of the pavement and buildings.
Whereas a hot dog is [one filling].
This is so that Ford can use W rated tires instead of Y rated. It’s a money saver for them, same reason why Volvo announced stricter top speed limitations even though they’re billing it as a move for “safety”.